
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong487
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  The shocking data and lively cases repeatedly alarm people. As the cases of “karoshi” became more and more frequent in China, Japan, US, UK, and Australia, national intervention was finally provoked. How to keep ourselves from “karoshi” has become a heated issue for both governmental officials and ordinary people.
  Japan adopted the system of “afterward relief”, including clear regulations in legislation that if over-fatigue causes suicide, it will be considered as a labor disaster (equals a labor injury in China), and insurance for “labor disasters” can be applied to have access to treatment compensation, damage compensation, and surviving dependent compensation. In recent years, the Japanese government has started to modify the identification standard of “karoshi”. The working conditions of the 6 months before death should be investigated instead of only one week to get an accurate “accumulation of fatigue”. Factors outside working hours should also be taken into consideration, including the frequency of business trip and working environment. In addition, it also regulates enterprise’s duty to guarantee the security of laborers.
  According to a report of NHK, in this meeting held by the Japan Partisan Parliamentary Union, apart from the congressmen of the party out of office, about 40 people who lost their families due to “karoshi” were also present. LDP member of the House of Representatives Chi Hao presented a program proposed by the LDP. It pointed out that the governmental support should be definite in the prevention of “karoshi” and “suicides caused by over-fatigue”. Before that, the Japanese government set up a consultation headed by experts and constituted by victims of “karoshi” and people who lost their families due to “karoshi”. Based on the suggestions proposed by the consultation, the outline of the program was drafted for the cabinet to decide. Moreover, the Japanese government also conducts practical investigations, conducts the research on effective prevention policies, rectifies the consultation system and relevant enlightenment movement, and supports the activities of civil society.   据日本NHK电视台报道称,在此次由日本超党派议员联盟举行的会谈中,除了在野党的国会议员外,因“过劳死”、“过劳自杀”而失去亲人的家属约40人也参与其中。会谈时,自民党众院议员迟浩阐述了自民党的提案,该提案指出希望在预防“过劳死”和“过劳自杀”时能明确政府的支持。在此之前,日本政府设立了磋商会,参会者以专家为首,再加上曾经经历过因“过劳”而身患重病之人以及因其死亡之人的家属们。以磋商会上提出的意见为基础,确定了预防方针的基本大纲,并将在内阁会议上进行定夺。此外,日本政府还会进行实际调查、对有效预防政策进行研究、整顿咨询体制及相关启蒙活动,并对民间团体活动进行支援。
  Western capitalist countries
  Differently from Japan, in western capitalism countries with advanced employment system, beforehand prevention and afterward relief are usually adopted together. For instance, the US and European countries tend to adopt beforehand preventions.
  In the US, people call “karoshi” chronic fatigue syndrome, and relevant diagnostic criteria were drafted. If the deaths of employees meet those standards, the employer shall shoulder particular legal responsibilities. In order to reduce the pressure of employees, US companies set up the flexible work system; EU and its member states set up laws and regulations like Health and Safety at Work Laws, which requires companies to provide employees with health guarantee and psychological support. If an accident is identified as “karoshi”, the employer will be held responsible.
  Taiwan, China
  Similarly with mainland China, Taiwan was also troubled by “karoshi” in recent years. According to the “checked cases of karoshi” released by the “Labor Committee” of Taiwan, in 2011, 88 people in Taiwan were designated as “over-fatigued”, and 48 people died of “karoshi”, i.e., one death was caused by “karoshi” every 7.6 days in average, creating the highest record in history. Among them, one fourth was young people under 45, and another 40 people suffered injuries and diseases.
  In response, Taiwan people are all calling for the prevention of “karoshi”. “Labor Committee” said that the legislature should accelerate the modification of the relevant legislations including “The Law of Laborer Safety and Hygiene” and “Professional Disaster Protection Law for Laborer” to increase employers’ responsibility for the prevention of “karoshi” and guarantee the professional safety of employees. In addition, the relevant punishment articles of Labor Standard Law cannot effectively constrain the employers’ behaviors. In the modification, the fines will be raised by 3 to 5 times, and an enterprise that makes employees work for excessive extra hours can be fined most 200,000 NT. The list of the enterprises that violate these regulations will be posted on public platforms and websites for the information of people.   与中国大陆一样,台湾近年也颇受“过劳死”的困扰。据台湾“劳委会”发布的“过劳核付案件”资料显示,全台2011年共有88人被认定“过劳”,48人“过劳”致死,平均7.6天就有一人“过劳死”,创历年来新高。其中,1/4是45岁以下的年轻人,另有40人过劳导致伤病。
  The legislation of mainland China needs to be improved
  In recent years, there are more and more voices calling for the including of “karoshi” in the scope of legislation, stressing that “karoshi” should not be the blind spot of legislation. At present, as the frontline of the reform and opening of China, Guangdong Province has started the survey of the legislation on “karoshi” and it may be the first pilot test area in the future. Member of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress Zhang Zhiya told us that the most challenging part of the legislation of “karoshi” lies in the identification of deaths. In order to make sure of the accuracy of identification, he suggested that medical sector should set standard criteria and diagnostic codes for “karoshi”. Zhang Zhiya also proposed that both enterprises and individual laborers should take precautions methods. “Enterprises have the responsibility to prevent ‘karoshi’ of employees, arrange free medical examinations for them regularly, and guarantee the psychological and physical health of them.”
  Many experts agreed that standard criteria are very necessary. In their opinions, “karoshi” should be defined clearly within the medical framework. At the same time, the legal framework should make a comprehensive system that provides the laborers with the right of health, the right of rest, and the right of life, which means the legal relief in the utmost extent. However, Doctor of the School of Labor and Human Resources of Renmin University of China Dong Shangwen said that the cognizance of “karoshi” is very complicated. “There is no such a disease called ‘karoshi’, and it is a long process of accumulation, which is all reflected by other forms. How to prove that this accumulation process is caused by work but not personal factors is very disputable.”
  Lawyer of Beijing Dacheng Law Firm Du Liyuan argued that while “karoshi” is given a medical definition, “The Labor Law” should be improved and “Regulation on Work-Related Injury Insurances” should be modified. It should take “karoshi” as a case “considered as an industrial injury”. In terms of detailed criteria, the last 6 months before death should be investigated to see whether they’ve worked for over 80 extra hours a month, to be taken as the basis of “karoshi” cognizance.   确定统一判断标准得到了多位受访专家的认同,在他们看来,应在医学框架内增加对“过劳死”的界定,同时在法律上构建包括保障劳动者休息权、健康权乃至生命权的一个完整系统的制度体系,给“过劳死”以最大限度的法律救济。但是,中国人民大学劳动人事学院博士董尚雯坦言,认定“过劳死”的确十分复杂。“因为并没有一种直接的病叫做‘过劳死’,这是一个长期积累的过程,而且都以其他形式表现出来。如何证明这种积累的过程是由工作而非自身因素引起,存在很大争议。”
  Increase penalty
  Zhu Lieyu, member of the NPC and National First-Class Lawyer, suggested the penalty for the enterprises that violate the rules to make the employees work for extra hours should be increased. When the extra hours are longer than the regulated 36 hours, the penalty for the excessive part can be multi-step in that the longer the extra hours are, the more the penalty is. Enterprise should encourage employees to work effectively and finish their tasks within the working time instead of working extra hours. Even if working extra hours is really necessary, it should be strictly controlled according to the relevant regulations. In addition, experts appeal to laborers for more attention to their own health. After all, it is the basis for everything.
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