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八年抗战,华夏大地同仇敌忾,演绎了一幕中华儿女以血肉之躯和坚强决心抗击外寇入侵的历史传奇。抗战时期的中国西部做为大后方,不仅为逃离战乱的人们提供栖身之所,还以她的人力、物力、财力和超常的坚忍,为烽火连天的前方战事提供着充足的能量,直到日寇被赶出中国的国土。没有千千万万前方将士的浴血奋战,中国的抗日战争不可能取得最终的胜利;没有西部大后方千千万万民众的鼎力支持,中国的抗日战争同样不可能取得最终的胜利。 In the eight years of war of resistance against Japan, the great land of China shared the enemy’s hatred and demonstrated a historical legend that the sons and daughters of China fought against the invasion of the invaders with their flesh and blood and strong determination. As the rear area, during the war of resistance against the war, the western part of China not only provided shelter for people fleeing the war, but also provided sufficient energy for the flames of war ahead with her manpower, material and financial resources and extraordinary perseverance until the Japanese invaders Was thrown out of China’s land. Without the bloody battles of thousands of front-line officers, China’s anti-Japanese war will not yield the ultimate victory. Without the full support of tens of millions of people in the rear of the western region, it is equally unlikely that China’s anti-Japanese war will achieve a final victory.
1.氯化氧锆在0.1M氯化钾、溴化四甲铵或硝酸钾底液中的水解极谱波与锆的浓度成正比,可用来测定氯化氧锆的含量。 2.氯化氧锆的水解在浓度10~(-2)-5×10~(-4)M(0—40°)时按下
绳索取心技术是六十年代以来在世界岩心钻探应用最广泛和取得显著效果的新技术之一。 Rope coring technology is one of the most widely used and significant new techno
本文试图对热液溶液和矿物间的平衡作进一步论述,此平衡对于固定成分和可变成分的矿物来说是一致的。 初始条件和符号 下面将要研究的是元素M~1……,M~i……,M~n同元素X化合