音·体·美 启发少年心智——谈咸宁实验小学的“实验”设计

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咸宁实验小学已拥有一座教学主楼(5层),和进行电化教育的科技楼(4层),现再建一座音乐、美术及风雨操场合一体的综合楼:风雨操场容一标准兰球场,内设午台供集会和小型演出;三间美术教室,一间大型美术教室兼排练厅;三间音乐教室及一间供观摹教学的音乐阶梯教室;还有音、体、美教研室和准备室各三间,供休息、演出候场、及教学用品贮存等用。楼址安排音、体、美教学楼楼址安排有三种意见,一是安排在科技楼东侧,场地东西长40m,南北宽12m,面积显然不够;二是将美术、音乐教学楼安排在科技楼东侧原址,风雨操场安排在学校田径场东侧,如此,音乐教室的窗,面对教学主楼,必然影响对面的教学;于是采取将音、体、美置于东侧的山坡下的方案。 Xianning Experimental Primary School has a main teaching building (5 floors) and a science and technology building (4th floor) for conducting electrification education. Now it is building a comprehensive building integrating music, art and wind and rain playgrounds. The playground for wind and rain can accommodate a standard Lan ball court. The afternoon platform is used for rally and small-scale performances; three art classrooms, a large-scale art classroom and rehearsal hall; three music classrooms and a music academy for Guanlan teaching; and audio, body, and beauty teaching rooms and preparation rooms Three rooms for rest, performances, and school supplies. There are three opinions on the arrangement of audio, physical and aesthetic teaching buildings. The first is on the east side of the Science and Technology Building. The venue is 40m in length from east to west and 12m in width from north to south. The area is obviously insufficient. The second is to place art and music teaching buildings in science and technology. On the east side of the building, wind and rain playgrounds are arranged on the east side of the school’s track and field field. In this way, the windows of the music classroom, in the face of the main teaching building, will inevitably affect the teaching on the opposite side; thus, the plan to place the sound, the body, and the beauty on the east side of the hillside is adopted. .
一连下了一个星期的毛毛雨,丁香小镇到处湿漉漉的。树湿漉漉的,花湿漉漉的,灌木丛也湿漉漉的;草地湿漉漉的,街道湿漉漉的,那些漂亮的木房子也湿漉漉的; After a week of dri
1 前言区域锅炉房集中供热是促进社会经济发展,节约能源消费,改善环境质量,提高人民生活水平的重要措施,有着重大的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益。同时,集中供热系统又是个
一次,亲戚送来两筐桃子,一筐是刚刚成熟的,一筐是已经完全熟透马上就会变质的。父亲问,选择怎样的 Once, relatives sent two baskets of peaches, a basket is just ripe,
小月半子的悲哀  下课的时候,坐在前面的纪小北转过头来,一本正经地跟我说:“你长得好像‘小月半子’。”  我腼腆地笑了笑,在脑海里搜索“小月半子”到底是怎样一个日本明星。忽然间反应过来,我立马给了他一拳。即便这样,“小月半子”这个外号还是不胫而走。  中午在食堂,我瞅瞅自己的粗胳膊,又在圆桶腰上掐了一把,苦着一张脸问旁边的顾晓:“我是不是真的挺胖的?”  “没有啊,我觉得你这样挺好的。”顾晓头都没
本文研究目的是检验结合临床资料可否提高口腔上皮异常增生组织病理学诊断的准确性及一致性。 研究设计 6名有执照的口腔颌面部病理学家结合提供的临床资料对120例口腔活检
三四月间正是人间芳菲、桃花盛开之时,大好的春天呼唤着人们去春游。  从文献上来看,最早的关于春游的文字记录是《诗经·郑风》,距今已经有2000多年的历史。这种传统在共和国成立后依旧盛行,并被不同的年代留下了不同的时代印记。  春游,吃很重要,我们就打开记忆的大门,回顾一下这半个多世纪以来,春游的你曾想带上哪些流行的美味。  野味  作为新中国第一代儿童,1956年之后他们才能够开始体验春游的种种乐