1在政治、经济、文化、思想方面,从先秦迄于晚清,中国人两千多年都在吃老本。不用说,我们的老祖宗也有磕牙的时候,匈奴入侵啦,五胡乱华啦。蒙古灭了南宋,满人人主中原。但老祖宗很快就用孔仁孟义将那些凶悍之至的“马背上的水手”同化了,于是,他们仍然能够从痛苦和屈辱中获得阿 Q似的精神满足。这种情形还多多少少使汉民
In the political, economic, cultural and ideological fields, from the early Qin till late Qing dynasty, Chinese people have been spending money for more than two thousand years. Needless to say, when our ancestors also knocked their teeth, the Huns were invaded, and the Huhaolouhuahua was found. Mongolia went out of the Southern Song Dynasty, Man of the Central Plains full of people. However, the ancestors quickly assimilated the fiercest “Sailors on Horseback” with Kongren Mengyi, and they were still able to obtain Ah Q-like spiritual satisfaction from pain and humiliation. This situation is still more or less so Han people