
来源 :中国妇运 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Stephanie1121
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近年来,在党和政府的高度重视下,在社会各界的共同努力下,妇女的各项权益得到进一步落实,妇女权益保障工作取得显著成绩。各级妇联组织不断强化维权工作目标,理顺发展与维权的关系,加强维权队伍建设;更加注重调查研究,加强源头参与,推动出台了一系列保护妇女儿童权益的法规和政策;进一步整合社会资源,大力加强维权工作机制建设,逐步完善社会化、群众化的维权工作格局。本期刊登的“长风破浪会有时”,着重展示“八大”以来,各级妇联在维权工作中所取得的显著成效和宝贵经验。 In recent years, under the great attention of the party and the government, with the joint efforts of all circles of society, the rights and interests of women have been further implemented and remarkable achievements have been made in guaranteeing the rights and interests of women. The women’s federations at all levels have continuously strengthened the goal of safeguarding their rights and interests, straightening out the relationship between development and safeguarding their rights, and strengthened the building of a contingent of activists. They have also placed greater emphasis on investigation and study, strengthened source participation, and promoted the promulgation of a series of laws and regulations and policies for protecting the rights and interests of women and children; further integrated social resources We will vigorously step up the building of a working mechanism for safeguarding the rights of the people and gradually improve the working pattern of socializing and mass rights protection. The issue of “long-term wind and waves” will be published in this issue, highlighting the remarkable achievements and valuable experience the women’s federations at various levels have made in safeguarding their rights since the “8th National Congress of the CPC”.
1 病例报告患者男,2 8岁。因咽喉肿痛3天就诊。查体:体温37 2℃,扁桃体Ⅲ度肿大,充血明显。实验检查:白细胞14 3×10 9/L ,中性0 83,淋巴0 17。诊断:急性扁桃体腺炎。治
拍摄地点:新西兰尼尔森中心小学(Nelson Central School)新西兰尼尔森格林高中(Nelson Garin College)在新西兰,中小学大都没有校门。许多学校的校名就写在学校入口处的一块
我科于1999年4月至2 0 0 3年4月采用小骨窗手术治疗高血压脑出血38例,疗效满意。1 临床资料1 1 一般资料治疗组:38例中,男2 6例,女12例,年龄38~81岁,平均5 4 5岁,所有患者均
公元1688年,也就是历史上的清朝康熙二十七年,由于御史郭瑗的弹劾,一代权相纳兰明珠被捕下狱,罪名是“贪污受贿,结党营私,负恩乱政”。对于自己为何被拿掉,明珠很清楚。第一,郭瑗的弹劾处处都落在实处,他无可辩驳;第二,要拿掉他的人其实是康熙皇帝,郭瑗只不过是个枪手而已,辩驳也没有用。  对于自己的结果,明珠也很清楚,不外乎两种可能:第一个,自己人头落地,但不会牵扯上家人;第二个,康熙皇帝会法外施恩,