
来源 :工程热物理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FOFOXX
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主要目的是探索详细化学反应模型引入油气热爆燃的热力学模型中的方法。首先建立了油气热爆燃的详细化学模型,即基于化学位确定系统组分,根据油气热爆燃起爆的特点确定控制热着火的主要化学链,基于组分的Arrhenius速度公式和热力学参数之间的关系,确定组分的消耗和生成速度以及组分化学反应放热率。然后以低马赫数、可压缩方程作为流场控制方程组,耦合详细化学模型和辐射模型,建立了基于化学动力学和热力学统一的油气热着火起燃过程的数学模型,即统一模型。基于该模型,对绝热受限空间内油气连续接触温升热壁条件下的热着火过程进行了数值仿真研究,并把计算结果和SCRS系统、零维模型以及实验值进行对比分析,研究结果表明:统一理论模型综合考虑了详细化学反应、复杂边界条件、流体流动,能较好解决油气热着火起燃过程的数值模拟问题。 The main purpose is to explore the method of introducing the detailed chemical reaction model into the thermodynamic model of thermal deflagration. First of all, a detailed chemical model of thermal deflagration was established, that is, the chemical composition of the system was determined, and the relationship between the main chemical chain controlling the thermal ignition and the Arrhenius velocity formula based on the components and the thermodynamic parameters was determined according to the characteristics of thermal deflagration , Determine the consumption of components and the rate of formation and the rate of chemical reaction exotherm. Then, based on the combination of low Mach number and compressible equations as flow field control equations and coupling of detailed chemical and radiation models, a mathematical model, ie, a unified model, of the thermal ignition process based on chemical kinetics and thermodynamics is established. Based on the model, the numerical simulation of the thermal process of oil-gas continuous contact temperature rise in hot adiabatic confined space was carried out. The calculated results were compared with the SCRS system, the zero-dimensional model and the experimental data. The results show that : The unified theoretical model comprehensively considers the detailed chemical reactions, complex boundary conditions and fluid flow, and can better solve the numerical simulation of the thermal ignition process of oil and gas.
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