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  Alvin: Hey Jenny! I’ve gotta ask you, how do you do it?
  Jenny: Do what? Use the copier? First you make sure it’s on, then you—
  Alvin: No, I know how to do that all too well. I mean, how do you maintain the same level of enthusiasm after working here for all these years? Don’t you ever feel 1)drained and 2)unmotivated?
  Jenny: That’s a good question. ①I guess I just have a 3)knack for looking on the brighter side of things. ②You know, clouds having silver linings and all that jazz.
  Alvin: But that seems so 4)clichéd, like it came out of a self-help book. I need something I can apply to real life issues.
  Jenny: Well then, spill it. What’s been happening lately that’s got you so worn out?
  Alvin: I don’t know…I guess it sometimes feels like I’ve given this company my blood, sweat and tears for the better part of a decade. And what do I have to show for it? ③I’ll tell you what I’ve got; the same wages, same office, same assignments, same clients, just the same old story again and again, with no light at the end of the tunnel. I’m tired of the 5)monotony, and I’m just plain tired.
  Jenny: Woah! I had no idea that the daily 6)grind here had you so exhausted.
  Alvin: Yeah! After a hard day’s work and an hour and a half 7)commute, by the time I cross the 8)threshold into my 9)humble 10)abode, I’m so 11)pooped that I just 12)collapse on the sofa.
  Jenny: Have you had a lot of pressure, or any added responsibilities piled on your shoulders lately?
  Alvin: ④Come to think of it, the bosses have really been on me lately about getting my writing assignments in earlier. And I’ve been getting criticized left and right for reusing the same topics and ideas.
  Jenny: So maybe that added pressure and criticism has led to your lack of energy.
  Alvin: Perhaps. I mean, I don’t know what they expect of me.
  Jenny: You’d think they expect no more or no less of you than any other employee.
  A l v i n : B u t I’v e w a s t e d all of my best ideas and 13)innovative 14)concepts over the years on people who simply don’t appreciate the hard work that goes into it. ⑤It’s like I’m a classic car that used to be all the rage, but they’ve systematically 15)stripped me for parts and 16)syphoned out all my gas, so now I’m running on empty.
  Jenny: I’m so sorry Alvin. I wish there was something I could do to help…
  Alvin: Honestly, just talking to you about it is lighting a bit of fire under me. ⑥Maybe getting all riled up about things is just what I need to 17)invigorate me.   Jenny: Or it could be that you have a colleague who’s got your back no matter what, and having that 18)assurance gives you a better outlook on things.
  Alvin: Are you trying to take credit for my sudden 19)epiphany? Jenny: Call it what you will, but since you seem so energized, how about getting back to work?
  Alvin: Ha ha. Thanks Jenny.
  Jenny: Anytime.
  Smart Sentences
  ① I guess I just have a knack for looking on the brighter side of things. 我想我只是有看到事情好的一面的本领。
  have a knack for sth.: possess a specific talent for sth., especially one difficult to explain or teach(具备对某事,尤其是难以解释或教导的特殊才能)。例如:
  Stanley doesn’t have a knack for reading people, so this job is probably not for him.
  ② You know, clouds having silver linings and all that jazz. 你懂的,还有一线希望之类的。
  silver lining: a comforting or hopeful aspect of an otherwise desperate or unhappy situation(失望或不幸中的一线希望,一点慰藉)。例如:
  Optimistic people can always find a silver lining in every unpleasant situation.
  and all that jazz: and other similar things(诸如此类)。例如:
  They sell plates, spoons, knives, forks and all that jazz.
  ③ I’ll tell you what I’ve got; the same wages, same office, same assignments, same clients, just the same old story again and again, with no light at the end of the tunnel. 我告诉你我得到了什么:一样的薪水,一样的办公环境,一样的任务,一样的客户,相同的事重复再重复,根本看不到希望。   with no light at the end of the tunnel: sth. is completely hopeless in a difficult or unpleasant situation(在困境中看不到任何希望)。例如:
  For students nowadays, life is about classes, homework, and tutoring, with no light at the end of the tunnel.
  ④ Come to think of it, the bosses have really been on me lately about getting my writing assignments in earlier. 想想看,最近老板们真的是一直在催促我提前完成写作任务。
  come to think of it: suddenly realized sth. which is often obvious(想起来,的确)。例如:
  Come to think of it, Sue is the best candidate for the job.
  ⑤ It’s like I’m a classic car that used to be all the rage. 就像我曾经是一台红极一时的经典轿车。
  all the rage: very popular or fashionable(风靡一时)。例如:
  Apple’s iPhone used to be all the rage, but has since subsided quite a bit.
  ⑥ Maybe getting all riled up about things is just what I need to invigorate me. 也许发发脾气是我需要鼓励自己的一种方式。
  rile up: get angry(生气,恼火)。例如:
  Geez, he can really rile up everyone he talks to.好家伙,他真的跟谁说话都能把对方惹火。

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