
来源 :环境昆虫学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nihaochaochao
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前裂长管茧蜂Diachasmimorpha longicaudata(Ashmead)是桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)及多种其他实蝇害虫幼虫期重要的天敌寄生蜂。本文研究了该蜂低温储存的适宜虫期、温度和时间条件。结果表明,在5℃条件下12日龄的前裂长管茧蜂受低温影响最小,储存3 d后羽化率达94.67%,与对照的95.33%无显著差异;储存6 d后蜂蛹羽化率下降到70.00%,低于对照但高于其他日龄。相同日龄的前裂长管茧蜂随着储存时间的延长,其羽化率逐渐降低,甚至不羽化。为进一步研究冷存对前裂长管茧蜂品质的影响,以储存温度(2、5、8、11和14℃)和储存时间(3、6、9和12 d)为参试因子,对12日龄前裂长管茧蜂冷藏后的羽化率、繁殖子代数、繁殖子代雌蜂数、子代性比、雌蜂寿命、发育历期以及种群趋势指数进行综合分析。结果表明:12日龄的前裂长管茧蜂在8℃下储存3 d,其种群趋势指数为29.32;14℃下储存6 d和9 d的种群趋势指数分别为32.85和27.04,均高于对照的25.16。因此上述组合是前裂长管茧蜂蛹低温储存的适宜条件。 Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) is an important predatory parasitoids of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) and many other larval stages of fruit fly pests. This article studied the bee deposited at low temperature suitable period, temperature and time conditions. The results showed that the 12-day-old Crataegus philippinarum had the least influence on the temperature at 5 ℃ and the emergence rate reached 94.67% after 3 days of storage, which was not significantly different from that of the control (95.33%). After 6 days of storage, Dropped to 70.00%, lower than the control but higher than other days of age. The same day old pre-cracked beetles beetles with storage time extension, the emergence rate gradually reduced, or even not eclosion. In order to further study the effect of cold storage on the quality of the bearded Anopheles stephensi, the storage temperature (2, 5, 8, 11 and 14 ℃) and the storage time (3, 6, 9 and 12 d) The emergence rate, propagational algebra, the number of female offspring, the progeny ratio, the life span of female wasps, the developmental duration and the population trend index of 12-day-old Anopheles stephensi were analyzed comprehensively. The results showed that 12-day-old Crenulara longissima were stored at 8 ℃ for 3 days and its population trend index was 29.32. The stock trend indices at 14 ℃ for 6 and 9 d were 32.85 and 27.04, respectively, which were higher than Control of 25.16. Therefore, the above combination is an appropriate condition for cryopreservation of Cryptocaryon pupae.
气管切开后3年以上发生气管内大出血很少见。我科遇到气管切开后长期带管致迟发性气管内大出血死亡2例。报告如下。 1 病例介绍 例1 男,76岁。因患喉癌于1991年5月在外院行
高速电弧喷涂雾化熔滴传热过程数值分析I朱子新……………等Ti /TiA l钎焊接头应力的数值模拟曹健………………………等纳米WC /Co经激光烧结后的晶粒再细化沈以赴……………
一、发生了什么  “图形拼搭”游戏材料是“几何形状组合积木”,它有一个底座,底座上面有9个圆柱,另外还配有15块带有圆孔的彩色几何形状积木(如图1),其中红色的有3块,2块是直角3孔形的,1块是2孔长方形的(如图2);黄色的有4块,2块是直角3孔形的,2块是2孔长方形的(如图3);原木色的有3块,是3孔长方形的(如图4);蓝色的有3块,2块是4孔L形的,1块是2孔长方形的(如图5);绿色的有2块,