
来源 :中国健康教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ancdtang
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目的调查分析幼儿园儿童主要健康行为与习惯情况,为制订有针对性的健康促进干预策略提供依据。方法采用多阶段随机抽样方法 ,抽取1204名幼儿园大班儿童,进行一般饮食习惯、个人卫生习惯、对烟草的认识、交通安全知识、分享协作意识及基本生理知识等情况的调查。结果天津市幼儿园儿童每天坚持吃蔬菜、水果的比例分别达到92.4%、92.5%,有90.0%的儿童能做到饭前便后洗手,88.9%的儿童每天都喝牛奶。而早晚刷牙、不共用毛巾脸盆、交通安全、认识自己身体等知识点的知晓率偏低,分别为53.2%、74.5%、62.5%和40.6%。结论天津市幼儿园儿童健康知识知晓率和健康行为形成率普遍较高,但个别项目还有差距,今后还要进一步加强幼儿园教师和儿童家长健康知识、健康行为教育。 Objective To investigate and analyze the main health behaviors and habits of kindergarten children and provide basis for formulating targeted health promotion intervention strategies. Methods A total of 1,204 kindergarten children were enrolled in this study. A total of 1204 children in kindergartens were enrolled in this study. General dietary habits, personal hygiene habits, tobacco awareness, traffic safety knowledge, sharing of collaborative awareness and basic physiological knowledge were investigated. Results Children in kindergartens in Tianjin persisted in eating vegetables every day. The proportion of fruits reached 92.4% and 92.5% respectively. 90.0% of children could wash their hands before meals and afterwards, and 88.9% of children drank milk every day. The awareness rate of brushing teeth sooner or later, not sharing towel basins, traffic safety, and knowledge of their own bodies was low at 53.2%, 74.5%, 62.5% and 40.6% respectively. Conclusion The awareness rate of children’s health awareness and the rate of health behavior formation are generally high in kindergartens in Tianjin. However, there are still some gaps in individual projects. In the future, we should further strengthen the knowledge of kindergarten teachers and children’s health and healthy behavior education.
2011年,欧美市场的走势明显好于中国内地和中国香港,恒生指数跌幅22%,内地A股跌幅16.7%,而欧美股市受上半年的利比亚危机、日本地震影响不但没有下滑,反而增长5%。中国内地每年的\GPD增长至少保持在8%,而美国GDP增速为2%,欧元区的GPD增速在1%以下,在此背景下,西方股市走势却强于中国内地,原因值得思索。    国内紧缩政策压抑流动性  内地股市封闭性的特点使得国际动荡对于资本市场的
[Objective]This study aimed to establish an effective method for evaluating uncertainty in determination of reducing sugar content in sugarcane with Lane-Ernon
1957年12月毛主席为起草中共中央、国务院关于除四害讲卫生的通知,给胡乔木同志写了一封信,全文如下: In December 1957, Chairman Mao wrote a letter to Comrade Hu Qiaom