产生、存在及发展 成绩、问题及对策——流通领域对外开放情况综述

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自1993年11月“国务院批准国家经贸委、外经贸部、内贸部关于赋予商业、物资企业进出口经营权试点意见的通知”正式下发并生效以来,流通领域的对外开放取得了可喜的进步。商业批发企业、零售企业、粮食系统、中外合资合作零售业及商办“三资”企业发展初具规模,内外贸相结合的商品流通体制正逐步建立。 然而,正如一切新生事物萌芽阶段所必经的那样,流通领域的对外开放也决非一马平川。经营范围受到严格限制、出口退税不及时、走私猖撅严重影响进出口业务的开展以及零售业中中外合资合作企业管理有欠规范这种种外部制约因素自不必说,商业企业内部信息渠道不畅及从业人员素质不高、管理水平低下等问题也亟待解决。 新兴的对外开放商业企业可谓夹缝中求生存、困境中求发展,怎一个“好”字了得。请看下文: Since November 1993, when the State Council approved the notice of the State Economic and Trade Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, and the Ministry of Internal Trade on the Pilot Ideas of Granting Import and Export Operation Rights to Commercial and Material Enterprises, it was formally issued and came into effect. The opening up of the circulation sector has achieved gratifying results. progress. Commercial wholesale and retail enterprises, retail enterprises, food systems, Sino-foreign joint ventures and cooperative retailing businesses, and commercial-run “three-funded” enterprises have begun to take shape, and the commodity circulation system combining domestic and foreign trade has been gradually established. However, as is the case in the budding stage of all new things, the openness of the circulation sector is by no means a flat river. The scope of business is severely restricted, export tax rebates are not timely, smuggling seriously affects the development of import and export business, and external constraints such as under-regulation of management of Sino-foreign joint ventures and cooperative enterprises in the retail industry need not be said. The internal information channels of commercial enterprises are not satisfactory. The quality of employees and the low level of management also need to be resolved. The emerging open-door commercial enterprises can be described as survival in the cracks and development in dilemma. How can a “good” character be achieved? See below:
传销,一个近年来曝光率极高的词汇。传销,一个众说不一沸沸扬扬的现象。 MLM, a term with a high exposure in recent years. MLM, one of the many people talking about
企业的生命力归根结底在于营销。而营销的好坏又受到两方面的影响,一是产品质量,二是广告宣传。当你成功的研制并生产出一种质优价廉的产 The enterprise’s vitality lies
经国家新闻出版署批准,人民日报将创办海南、江苏、广东、广西、山东、湖北、陕西、黑龙江、辽宁、河南等10省区广告专版。 Approved by the National Press and Publicati