Study on Solubility of Nb_2O_5 in KOH Solution and Alkali Leaching of Niobite

来源 :Journal of Central South University of Technology(English Ed | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maotian1
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Solubility of Nb 2O 5 and leaching behaviors of Nb and Ta from niobite in KOH solution have been investigated in order to develop an alkali hydrothermal leaching process of Nb and Ta. The solubility of Nb 2O 5 was measured in the range of 40 ℃ to 200 ℃ at various molar ratios of K 2O to Nb 2O 5 ( n (K 2O)/ n (Nb 2O 5)). It has been found that Nb 2O 5 shows the maximum solubility at the solution composition of n (K 2O)/ n (Nb 2O 5)=4/3 at a given temperature; the rise of temperature increases the solubility of Nb 2O 5 below 120 ℃, but decreases it above 120 ℃. The leaching behaviors of Nb and Ta were studied in the range of 150 ℃ to 250 ℃ and 0.1 MPa to 5 MPa. With the rise of temperature, the leaching degree increases when the leaching temperature is below 200 ℃, but it decreases when the leaching temperature is above 200 ℃. The maximum leaching degree is about 90% at 200 ℃. It was proved that the alkali hydrothermal leaching process is effective for the recovery of Nb and Ta from niobite concentrate. Solubility of Nb 2 O 5 and leaching behaviors of Nb and Ta from niobite in KOH solution have been investigated in order to develop an alkali hydrothermal leaching process of Nb and Ta. The solubility of Nb 2 O 5 was measured in the range of 40 ℃ to 200 ℃ at various molar ratios of K 2O to Nb 2O 5 (n (K 2O) / n (Nb 2 O 5)). It has been found that Nb 2 O 5 shows the maximum solubility at the solution composition of n (K 2O) / The rise in temperature increases the solubility of Nb 2 O 5 below 120 ° C., but decreases it above 120 ° C. The leaching behaviors of Nb and Ta were studied in the range of 150 ℃ to 250 ℃ and 0.1 MPa to 5 MPa. With the rise of temperature, the leaching degree increases when the leaching temperature increases below 200 ℃, but it decreases when the leaching temperature is above 200 ℃. The maximum leaching degree is about 90 % at 200 ℃. It was proved that the alkali hydrothermal leaching process is effec tive for the recovery of Nb and Ta from niobite concentrate.
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