陕、甘、宁、青四省(区)乔砧苹果密植考察报告 (二)存在问题与商榷意见

来源 :宁夏农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gdp1959
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西北地区的密植已取得初步成功,但也存在些问题和教训,值得深入研究,以利今后的发展。(一)栽植密度栽植密度是密植的中心问题。在一定的密度范围内,早期产量与密度成正相关。但随着树令和树体的增大,密植园中、后期的增产潜力就小,果品质量低,管理上的困难多,经济效果也越差。在目前生产条件下,大面积亩栽111~200株的高密度,是有许多技术问题的,如 Close planting in northwest China has achieved initial success, but there are still some problems and lessons that deserve further study to facilitate future development. (A) planting density planting density is the dense center of the problem. In a certain range of density, early yield and density are positively correlated. However, with the increase of trees and trees, the potential for increasing yield in the close-planting garden is small in the close planting. The quality of the fruit is low, the management is more difficult and the economic effect is worse. Under the current production conditions, a large area of ​​111 ~ 200 planted acres of high-density, there are many technical issues, such as
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