Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Compound SnDy_2O_4

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangle2
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A new phase, the rare earth complex oxide SnDy2O4 was synthesized by the thermal decomposition of its oxalate precursor that was prepared by rheological phase reaction method. TG, IR, XRD and EPS were used to prove the formation of the compound SnDy2O4. The structure of SnDy2O4 was refined by Rietveld analysis. SnDy2O4 is cubic, a = 7.40366 ? V = 405.82 ?, Z = 4. A new phase, the rare earth complex oxide SnDy2O4 was synthesized by the thermal decomposition of its oxalate precursor that was prepared by rheological phase reaction method. TG, IR, XRD and EPS were used to prove the formation of the compound SnDy2O4. The structure of SnDy2O4 was refined by Rietveld analysis. SnDy2O4 is cubic, a = 7.40366? V = 405.82 ?, Z = 4.
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