著名经济学家吴敬琏谈 今年中国经济发展的六个焦点问题

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著名经济学家吴敬琏教授最近在成都接受采访时谈了今年中国经济发展的思路和一些政策取向问题。 中小企业 经济的关键 能不能让中小企业发展起来,是今年中国经济能否持续稳定发展的关键。吴教授说,大企业的改革解困也很重要,但大企业要改过来,不是一两年能够解决的,而小企业来得快。这期间国民经济的支撑点是什么?我认为恐怕是中小企业。一个是小企业好切人,成本比较低;二是中小企业能提供大量就业机会。过去几次经济低潮,每次都是从中小企业开始复苏,这次中小企业复苏较慢,所以要下大功夫。 “抓小” 方向不打折 吴敬琏认为,现在抓大和放小在同时进行,并不矛盾,所谓“放”,就是放活小企业,采取多种形式,但并不是不扶植。目前的中小企业几乎都不是国有企业,大部分是私有企业。这个方向是十五大定的。不要一来就问姓公姓私,搞金陵十二钗,让私营进入“副册”,只要符合“三个有利于”原则的所有制形式都可以。要提高中小企业的地位,改善融资环境,这是政府要做的事情。中西部地区更要 In a recent interview in Chengdu, Professor Wu Jinglian, a famous economist, talked about the thinking of China’s economic development this year and some policy orientation issues. Whether the key to SMEs’ economy can allow SMEs to develop is the key to the sustainable and steady development of China’s economy this year. Professor Wu said that the reform of large enterprises is also very important for the solution. However, if large enterprises are to be restructured, they will not be able to be solved in a year or two, but small enterprises will come quickly. What is the supporting point of the national economy during this period? I think I am afraid it is SMEs. One is that small businesses are good at cutting costs, and the other is that SMEs can provide a lot of job opportunities. In the past few economic downturns, each time the economy started to recover from the SMEs, the recovery of SMEs was relatively slow. Therefore, we must make great efforts. In the direction of “grasping small”, Wu Jinglian believes that grasping big and weakening now is not contradictory at the same time. The so-called “letting go” means letting small businesses take various forms but they are not forbidden. Almost none of the current SMEs are state-owned enterprises, most of which are privately owned. This direction is set at fifteen. Do not ask one’s surname, one’s private name, engage in the Twelve Chains of Jinling, so that private access to “vice”, as long as the “three is conducive” principle of ownership can be. To improve the status of SMEs and improve the financing environment, this is what the government needs to do. Central and western regions even more
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