跃进欧卡上市 上汽色彩浓厚 上汽要对南京依维柯动手?

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9月25日,南京依维柯的跃进欧卡率先在上海上市,同时公布了跃进欧卡不同系列的价格。跃进欧卡并不是首次亮相,今年1月份,跃进欧卡在南京举行了下线仪式,因此,就上市本身而言,更多的是市场营销层面的意义。但这样一个看似普通的活动,上汽集团副总裁兼商用车事业部总经理肖国普却亲临现场。 On September 25, Nanjing Iveco Yuejin Ouka took the lead in listing in Shanghai and also announced the price of different series of leaps to Oka. Yuejin Oka is not the first appearance, in January of this year, Yuejin Oka held in Nanjing off the assembly line, so the listing itself, the more the meaning of the marketing level. However, such a seemingly ordinary event, Xiao Guo Pu, vice president and general manager of the Commercial Vehicle Division of SAIC, came to the scene.
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