
来源 :中国原子能科学研究院年报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zs297481492
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~(99)Tc是重核裂变生成的主要核素之一。~(235)U热中子裂变产生~(99)Tc的产额为6.13%。随着燃耗的加深及~(235)U初始富集度的提高,使Tc在动力堆乏燃料中的含量较生产堆提高了1个数量级。在后处理过程中锝不但以HTcO_4被TBP萃取,而且还与Zr、U、Pu等共萃。在共去污萃取器中,几乎100%的锝进入1AP,因此在以U(Ⅳ)作还原反萃剂的铀钚分离工艺中,Tc不仅能快速氧化 ~ (99) Tc is one of the major nuclides generated by heavy nuclear fission. The ~ (99) Tc yield of ~ (235) U thermal neutron fission is 6.13%. With the deepening of fuel consumption and the increase of the initial enrichment of ~ (235) U, the content of Tc in the spent power reactor was increased by one order of magnitude compared with the production reactor. In the post-treatment process, technetium was not only extracted by TBP with HTcO_4, but also with Zr, U, Pu and so on. In a total decontamination extractor, almost 100% of technetium enters 1AP. Therefore, Tc can not only oxidize quickly in uranium-plutonium separation process using U (Ⅳ) as reduction stripping agent
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