
来源 :大豆科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qmdx521
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为揭示滴水量对大豆根系生长和花荚形成的影响规律,以中黄35为材料,研究了4种滴水量对0~100 cm土层含水量、0~60 cm土层根系干重密度和侧根长密度,花数、腔数、产量和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:增加滴水量显著提高0~40 cm土层含水量下限,增加总耗水量,降低大豆对60~100 cm土层储水消耗;显著增加生育期间根系干重密度和侧根长密度,增幅随土层变深迅速减小,增加各生育时期根系伤流量;增加总花数、腔花比值、总腔数、总粒数和粒重,最终提高大豆产量和水分利用效率。适宜滴水处理实现节水高产在于花荚期建立了发达根系、增加总花数、提高腔花比。滴水量2 602.5 m3·hm-2处理获得最高产量(6 120 kg·hm-2),0~60 cm根干重和侧根长峰值依次为137.37 g·m-2、740 m·m-2;总花数3 707万朵·hm-2、腔花比0.85、总腔数3 159.4万个·hm-2、总粒数2 868.0万个·hm-2、水分利用效率1.47 kg·m-3。伊宁地区春大豆适宜滴水量为2 602.5 m3·hm-2左右。 In order to reveal the effect of drip rate on root growth and flower pod formation of soybean, the effects of four drip irrigation dosages on water content in 0 ~ 100 cm soil layer, root dry weight density in 0 ~ 60 cm soil layer and Lateral root length density, number of flowers, cavity number, yield and water use efficiency. The results showed that increasing drip irrigation significantly increased the lower limit of water content in 0 ~ 40 cm soil layer, increased total water consumption, reduced water consumption of soybean in 60 ~ 100 cm soil layer, significantly increased root dry weight and lateral root length density, With the deepening of soil depth decreases rapidly, increasing the root traumatic flow rate during each growth period; increase the total number of flowers, flower ratio, the total cavity number, total grain number and grain weight, and ultimately increase soybean yield and water use efficiency. Suitable drip treatment to achieve water-saving and high yield is the flower pod establishment of a developed root system to increase the total number of flowers to improve the cavity ratio. The maximum yield (6 120 kg · hm-2) was obtained at 2 602.5 m3 · hm-2 drip irrigation, and the root dry weight and lateral root length at 0-60 cm were 137.37 g · m-2 and 740 m · m-2, respectively. The total number of flowers was 37.07 million hm-2, the cavity ratio was 0.85, the total cavity number was 3.1594 million hm-2, the total number of grains was 28.68 million hm-2, and the water use efficiency was 1.47 kg · m-3 . The suitable amount of drip irrigation for spring soybean in Yining was about 2 602.5 m3 · hm-2.
利用多时相TM 图像,提取城市扩展信息,使得以遥感手段监测与研究城市发展变化的趋势成为可能。本文采用不同时相的TM 数据作为一个混合数据集进行变换处理,使得城市扩展的“变化”信