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目的:探讨和研究应用中西医结合护理干预对胆囊切除术后腹泻患者临床疗效的影响及可行性。方法:以我院80例胆囊切除术后腹泻患者为研究对象,分为两组:对照组进行一般护理干预,观察组在行对照组上述护理干预基础上,进行中药敷贴、穴位艾灸及电针并配合情志护理等中医护理干预措施,观察和对比住院观察期间两组疾病治疗效果、住院时间、并发症发生率、护理服务投诉率及随访观察期间疾病复发率。结果:观察组治疗总有效率高达95%,对照组仅72.5%;观察组止泻时间、住院时间分别为(3.2±0.5)天和(6.5±1.5)天,显著短于对照组(5.2±1.0)天和(12.5±2.5)天;同时并发症发生率及疾病复发率分别为2.5%和5%,较对照组10%和7.5%均显著降低;上述对比差异均显著,具备统计学意义(P<0.05);但两组间护理服务投诉率相近,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:应用中西医结合护理干预,能显著提升胆囊切除术后腹泻患者的治疗效果,缩短其止泻及住院时间,且护理期间并发症较少,出院后短期复发率较低,因此值得推广使用。 Objective: To investigate and study the application of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine nursing intervention in patients with diarrhea after cholecystectomy clinical efficacy and feasibility. Methods: Eighty patients with diarrhea after cholecystectomy in our hospital were divided into two groups: the control group was given general nursing intervention. The observation group was given the traditional Chinese medicine dressing, acupoint moxibustion and Electroacupuncture and emotional nursing care and other traditional Chinese medicine interventions were observed and compared between the two groups during hospital treatment of disease treatment, hospitalization, complications, complaints rate of care services and follow-up observation of disease recurrence rate. Results: The total effective rate was 95% in the observation group and 72.5% in the control group. The diarrhea time and hospital stay in the observation group were (3.2 ± 0.5) days and (6.5 ± 1.5) days, respectively, significantly shorter than those in the control group 1.0) days and (12.5 ± 2.5) days respectively. The complication rates and recurrence rates were 2.5% and 5% respectively, which were significantly lower than those of the control group (10% and 7.5% respectively). The above differences were significant and statistically significant (P <0.05). However, the complaint rate of nursing service between the two groups was similar with no significant difference (P> 0.05). Conclusion: Integrative Chinese and Western nursing intervention can significantly improve the treatment effect of diarrhea patients after cholecystectomy, shorten its antidiarrheal and hospitalization time, and less complications during nursing, short-term recurrence rate after discharge, it is worth promoting .
目的意义人类巨细胞病毒(human cytomegalovirus, HCMV)是Smith等在1956年首先从一名死亡婴儿的颌下腺中分离出来的一种病毒,1964年正式命名为巨细胞病毒。它属β亚科疱疹病
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