
来源 :广东档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marsxiaozhu
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在广东省的国家综合性档案馆里,都有一个现行文件阅览室,市民们在这个叫做“现行文件阅览室”里,可查阅党和政府公开的现行文件,这体现了党和政府切实践行“三个代表”重要思想,推行政务公开,建设“阳光政府”的决心和行动,受到了社会的普遍欢迎。一时间,来档案馆利用现行文件的人多了起来。现在,在档案馆里不仅可以查阅档案,而且可以查可公开现行文件。但是,市民们要查现行文件则必须到档案馆来,这就使一些距离档案馆较远的人,要跑一段路。于是,为了方便老百姓,在经济较发达地区的档案馆,就在当地政府的大力支持下,建起了自己的档案网站,通过网络使现行文件进入了社区,进了千家万户。那么在现行文件阅览网站的建设中应该注意那些问题,怎样才能建设一个实用高效的档案信息网?广州市白云区档案局(馆)的档案信息网的建设经验很值得借鉴。 In the state comprehensive archives of Guangdong Province, there is an existing document reading room where citizens can consult the current documents open to the party and government in this document entitled “Current Document Reading Room,” which shows that the party and government The determination and action of practicing the important thinking of the 'Three Represents,' implementing the open government affairs and building a 'sunshine government' has been universally welcomed by the community. For a time, the archives to use the existing documents more people up. Now, not only archives can be found in the archives, but also can check the public documents available. However, citizens must check the present documents before they come to the archives. This will cause some people who are far away from the archives to run a long journey. Thus, in order to facilitate the common people, archives in the more economically developed regions built their own archives websites with the strong support of the local government, and brought existing documents into the community through networks and into millions of households. So in the construction of the current document reading website should pay attention to those issues, how to build a practical and efficient file information network? Guangzhou Baiyun District Archives Bureau (Archives) archives information network construction experience is worth learning.
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