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火车开出的时间是午夜12点,而不是晚上6点。詹森到服务台一问,原来是值班员弄错了。他一离开服务台,气就消了一半,因为他并没有真的介意。一个星期以来,他在几位阔绰的朋友家作客,很有礼貌地通过他们的言谈,了解约翰内斯堡这座城市。现在他有6个小时的空闲,让这里干燥而强劲的风吹拂自己。他信步走进东站餐馆。这里设备简陋,墙棕色发亮,桌椅倒是排列得很整齐。他要了一杯橘色浓茶。作为一个过路旅客,此刻他的精神处于既集中又恍惚的状态,心情就和观看一场蹩脚戏时的一样。他想到街上遛遛,置身子约翰内斯堡人中间,去领略这座城市的风情,以及它与其他大城市的不同。他正想出去,突然听到有人在问,“这座位有人吗?”他迅速转过身去,一听那腔调,詹森就能猜出是什么人。两个姑娘站在他身边,还没有等他答腔,刚才问话的那个姑娘抢先坐了下来,而旁边就有许多桌子空着。她穿着一件黑色紧身短上衣,戴着几根黄铜项链,脚蹬一双发亮的高跟皮鞋。她个子高大、粗壮,头发紧紧绕在头上,表层发出金属般的光亮。她迅速点燃一支烟,跟自己的伙伴说,“看在上帝的份上,坐下。”另一个姑娘在詹森身旁的一张椅子上害羞地慢慢坐下。她背过脸去,詹森的目光不禁停在了这姑娘的身上:她与他想像的是那么不同,她长得丰满,一脸稚气,没有擦油的头发蓬松着,身穿一件镶了荷叶边的花上衣,那双被太阳晒 The train departs at 12 midnight, not at 6 o’clock in the evening. Jensen went to the help desk to ask that the attendant was mistaken. As soon as he left the help desk, the gas disappeared in half because he did not really mind. For a week, he has been a guest at several generous friends and politely used their words to understand the city of Johannesburg. Now he has six hours of free time, let the dry and strong wind blows himself. He walked into the East Railway Station restaurant. Here simple equipment, wall brown shiny, tables and chairs are arranged in very neat. He wanted a cup of orange tea. As a passing traveler, his spirit is now in a state of both concentration and trance, the same as when watching a bad show. He thought of walking down the street and setting himself in the middle of Johannesburg, to appreciate the city’s style and its differences from other big cities. He was just going out and suddenly heard someone asking, “Is anyone at this seat?” He turned quickly and listened to that tone and Jensen could guess who it was. The two girls stood beside him, and did not wait for him to answer the question. The girl who had just asked was the first to sit down and many tables were empty next to it. She wore a black tight jacket, wearing a few brass necklace, pedal a pair of shiny high-heeled shoes. Her tall, stout, hair tightly around her head, the surface emitting a metallic light. She quickly lit a cigarette and said to her companion, “Look at God’s sake, sit down.” The other girl sat slowly and shyly on a chair beside Jensen. She looked back and Jansen’s gaze stopped at the girl’s body: she was so different from what he imagined she was plump, childlike, with no greasy hair fluffy and wearing an inlay The flounced blouse, the pair were sun
问:你是否认为初次从事小说写作的人在着手写长篇小说之前应当先写短篇小说? 答:我认为,创作长篇小说之前是否先要以短篇小说入手完全是个人的事情。这取决于作者认为什么形
1.要利用颜色来增加自己身材的高度。在穿着上,衣服和裤子以一色为好,最好连袜子也为同一颜色。 2.应选择不带印花的衣服。如果喜欢有图案、印花的服装,则应以清雅小型图案
胸花是女性衣着的装饰品,不管是与恋人幽会,或是在社交场合,女性在上衣胸前戴一朵造型别致的胸花,会显出自己或浪漫或华贵的一面,别有迷人的气质。 Boutonniere is a women
中国在提供全球90%以上稀土需求的同时,已发展为世界稀土应用、消费大国。从贱卖资源到出售深加工产品,已成为江西省稀土产业发展的新趋势。 While providing more than 90%