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社会在建设过程中对能源的利用以及开发正在朝着多样化的趋势蔓延,我国国土幅员辽阔,未开发的地区在我国仍然占据了较大的范围。但是能源的使用具有不可再生的特性,为了满足我国当代发展的需求,迎合可持续发展战略的实施,水利工程的建设就成为了解决问题的关键。在水利水电工程的建设中,工程项目的完工以及运营不仅能够解决工程当地的自然水土环境所存在的不足,还能够提高我国电力能源的生产效率。在水利水电工程的建设过程中,我们对相关的工程建筑要求相对较高。在发展的过程中水利水电工程建筑混凝土防渗漏墙施工技术的运用,为我国水利水电工程的建筑过程打好了基础基础。 The utilization and development of energy by society in the process of construction are spreading toward a diversified trend. Our country, with its vast territory and undeveloped areas, still occupies a large area in our country. However, the use of energy has the characteristics of non-renewable. In order to meet the demand of our country’s contemporary development and to meet the requirement of sustainable development, the construction of water conservancy project has become the key to solve the problem. In the construction of water conservancy and hydropower projects, the completion and operation of construction projects can not only solve the problems existing in natural water and soil environment in the project, but also improve the production efficiency of China’s electric energy. In the construction of water conservancy and hydropower projects, we have relatively high requirements on the relevant engineering and construction. In the process of development, the construction technology of concrete seepage prevention wall in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction lays the foundation for the construction process of water conservancy and hydropower projects in our country.
目的:探讨外源性FN对内源性NO的调节作用,研究FN在加速感染创面修复中的作用机制.方法:家兔40只随机分成4组,FN组、中药组、FN+中药组和凡士林对照组,在家兔背部制各4 cm直径
促黑细胞素(melanocyte stimulating hormone,MSH)是垂体中间部产生的一种多肽,控制皮肤、毛发色素的产生和分布。近年来人们发现MSH对能量代谢、胰岛素分泌及血糖水平起到调
水通道蛋白1(aquaporin 1, AQPl)在眼内组织分布较广,其与房水的分泌、排出及调节关系密切[1-2];褪黑素受体激动剂5-MCA-NAT能降低实验兔眼压[2-4];Neu-P11是一种高效的非选
目的 通过双盲、随机、对照研究,评价生肌玉红膏对下肢慢性创面患者生活质量的影响.方法 将257例下肢慢性溃疡患者随机分为实验组与对照组,通过一致的外治方案对患者治疗,其
选煤厂浮选煤泥销路窄、储存难等问题,提出了利用配煤型煤技术改善选煤厂浮选煤泥煤质特性。 Coal preparation plant flotation slime sales narrow, difficult to store a