
来源 :福建劳动和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuconghua
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漳浦县机关事业社保公司于1994年6月成立,1995年1月开始按全员投保方案正式营运,八年来,历经了创业者都要体验的酸、甜、苦、辣,终于实现了初级阶段的目标成果,养老保险覆盖率达100%,保险基金形成一定积累。难题与挑战1、人口老龄化带来的压力,供养比例失衡。机关事业单位在职和离退休人员的比例为3.8∶1,现收现付制的养老保险制度难以承受日益增大的养老金支付压力。2、机构改革中,一些事业单位面临着关、停、撤销或改制,因无力缴费而停保或欠费,却想方设法把离退休人员的养老金推给机关事业社保公司来负担。3、机关事业社会保险政策法规滞后,养老保险管理工作缺乏强有力的政策指导和全省统一规范的制度保证。4、现行的社会保险管理机制难以保证保险基金的保值和增值。 Zhangpu County government agencies and social security company was established in June 1994, in January 1995 started full-based insurance plan for the formal operation of eight years, after all the entrepreneurs have to experience the acid, sweet, bitter, spicy, and finally achieved the primary Achievements of the target phase of the stage, pension coverage rate of 100%, the formation of certain accumulation of insurance funds. Difficulties and challenges 1, the pressure of population aging, the imbalance of support. The ratio of employed and retired staff in government agencies and public institutions is 3.8: 1, and the PAYG pension system can not afford the increasing pension payment pressure. 2. In the course of institutional reforms, some institutions are faced with, stopped, revoked or restructured. Because they are unable to pay fees and stopped paying or paying debts, they have tried their best to afford the pensions of retirees to the social security agencies of the government agencies and enterprises. 3, the government agencies and institutions lag social insurance policies and laws, the lack of a strong policy guidance for pension insurance and the province’s unified and standardized system of assurances. 4, the current social insurance management mechanism is difficult to guarantee the insurance fund hedging and value-added.
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