
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wlxctq13
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The esterification reactions of lactic acid with isobutanol and n-butanol have been studied in the presence of acid ion-exchange resin Weblyst D009.The influences of catalyst loading,stirrer speed,catalyst particle size,initial reactant molar ratio and temperature on the reaction rate have been examined.Experimental kinetic data were correlated by using the Pseudo-homogeneous,Langmuir-Hinshelwood and Eley-Rideal models.Nonideality of the liquid phase was taken into account by using activities instead of molar fractions.The activity coefficients were calculated according to the group contribution method UNIFAC.Provided that the nonideality of the liquid is taken into account,the esterification kinetics of lactic acid with isobutanol and n-butanol catalyzed by the acid ion-exchange resin can be described using all three models with reasonable errors. The esterification reactions of lactic acid with isobutanol and n-butanol have been studied in the presence of acid ion-exchange resin Weblyst D009. The influences of catalyst loading, stirrer speed, catalyst particle size, initial reactant molar ratio and temperature on the reaction rate Experimental kinetic data were correlated by using the Pseudo-homogeneous, Langmuir-Hinshelwood and Eley-Rideal models. Nonideality of the liquid phase was taken into account by using activities instead of molar fractions. The activity coefficients were calculated according to the group contribution method UNIFAC.Provided that the nonideality of the liquid is taken into account, the esterification kinetics of lactic acid with isobutanol and n-butanol catalyzed by the acid ion-exchange resin can be described using all three models with reasonable errors.
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“与其做一个可以旋转的,就像我在纽约做的那种机器,为什么不把它变成电影呢?那要简单得多。我对电影并没有很大的兴趣,只是通过这实用的手段达到我要的视觉结果。”  ——马塞尔·杜尚  都说马塞尔·杜尚(Marcel Duchamp)改变了西方现代艺术发展的进程,尤其对二战以后的西方艺术影响深远,其实他的影响力一直在延续,包括中国国内的艺术家也未能幸免,他拥有众多追随者,从前不久在尤伦斯当代艺术中心举办
广东省医疗器械研究所针对各种电器开关和插件内电触点容易积聚油污、灰尘的问题,研制成功了 CC 系列电触点喷雾型清洗剂新产品,最近通过了省有关主管部门组织的技术鉴定。