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内蒙古自治区农牧业杂志社编辑出版的《现代农业》《当代畜禽养殖业》《内蒙古畜牧业》(蒙文版)三本杂志,是内蒙古自治区农牧业厅主管、内蒙古自治区农牧业科学院主办的农牧业科技期刊。创刊30年来,三刊坚持服务“三农三牧”的办刊宗旨,倾力打造自治区农牧业科技宣传阵地和对外宣传窗口,为推进自治区农牧业经济又好又快发展做出了重要贡献。三本农牧业科技期刊,立足内蒙古、面向全国,发行量大,影响广泛,是展示内蒙古农牧业风貌的重要宣传平台,是广大种养殖户(企业)、农技人员和农牧民获取农牧业科技信息的重要途径之一。《现代农业》(月刊),刊号:CN15-1098/Z,邮发代号:16-38,全年定价:120元。《当代畜禽养殖业》(月刊),刊号:CN15-1150/S,邮发代号:16-49,全年定价:120元。 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Agriculture and Animal Husbandry magazine edited and published “Modern Agriculture” “contemporary poultry breeding” “Inner Mongolia Animal Husbandry” (Mongolian version) three magazine, is the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Academy Sponsored agricultural and pastoral science and technology journals. In the 30 years since its publication, the magazine has adhered to the principle of serving the “three rural, three herds,” and endeavored to create a science and technology propaganda position and propaganda window for agriculture and animal husbandry in the autonomous region, making a sound and rapid economic development in agriculture and animal husbandry in the autonomous region Important contribution. The three agricultural science and technology periodicals, based in Inner Mongolia, facing the whole country, with large circulation and extensive influence, are important propaganda platforms to show the style of agriculture and animal husbandry in Inner Mongolia. They are acquired by a large number of farmers (enterprises), agricultural technicians and farmers and herdsmen Agriculture and animal husbandry science and technology information one of the important ways. “Modern Agriculture” (monthly), issue number: CN15-1098 / Z, postal code: 16-38, annual pricing: 120 yuan. “Contemporary Livestock and Poultry Breeding” (monthly), issue number: CN15-1150 / S, postal code: 16-49, annual pricing: 120 yuan.
本研究将人血树状突细胞(dendritic cell.DC)、LAK细胞和IL-2联合应用,对人鼻咽癌细胞株Hep-2细胞进行了体外杀伤试验.DC按本室三步分离法分离、纯化,LAK细胞诱自人外周血.实
CT对头颈癌淋巴结转移的评价较临床检 查更准确,31例颈清扫表明,CT分期正确28例(90%)。据报告,用CT分期约5%的头颈癌病例将从N0上升到N1,因有两组淋巴结临床扪诊受限,即最临近