Rhetorical Devices Applied in the Translation of Advertisements

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  In the modern information age, advertisements are commonly used everywhere. In fact, advertisement has become a very important resource of getting information and an essential part of people’s daily life. Writers of advertisements always pay much attention to rhetoric and spend a lot of care on the masterly application of rhetorical devices to create penetrating, original and effective message esp. advertising slogans. The translation of advertisements is related to not only the credit standing, marketing scope and economic benefits of products, but also to the reflection of culture, ideology, customs and habits of one country.
  二、Literal translation
  Liu Zhongde (1994: 172) defined “literal translation” as:
  Literal translation, means the approach ofregarding sentence as the essential part in the translating process , meanwhile retaining the sentence structure and figures of speech of the original, which are bound by the circumstances of culture and habits of language to reproduce textual form, content and style.
  The literal approach is widely used in the translation of rhetorical constructs in advertisements and well received in marketing practice. According to the research done by the writer, among 60 advertising passages, there are about 204 rhetorical sentences, approximately 50% of which were or should be translated literally.
  2.Application of literal translation
  With a single copy of The Globe in hand, you can enjoy a wide view of the world.
  The example above is vivid and incomprehensive, the well-preserved structures and rhetorical devices are as brilliant as the original, expresses positive, attractive information to consumers. The rhetorical message and the translation below is successful as well:
  Big thrills. Small bills. (Taxi)莫大的激动,微小的费用。
  This example is antithesis; “big” to “small” is well-defined contrast. Obviously, literal translation has many other advantages besides retaining the original content, form and style. It introduces some new information of foreign advertising, and meanwhile, it can spread Chinese rhetorical art widely by means of advertising translation.
  三、Free translation
  1. Introduction
  Free translation refers to the approach which is used in some situations that the literal approach can get nowhere. The translator cannot but abandon or change the original form or rhetorical devices, and then use expressions of target language or words of target language which are intelligible, accorded with the original meanings, furthermore, select appropriate sentence structures to give voice to the original connotations and spirit. In a word, free translation is an essential approach within no substitute to the translation of rhetorical constructs in advertising.
  2.Application of free translation
  Having experienced one year of difficulties and hardships, INFINITI has grown mature and undergone constant improvement, thus creating outstanding achievements——
  皮张之厚无以复加;利润之薄无以复减。( 上海鹤鸣皮鞋厂广告)
  The leather shoes made here are thick enough; the profit that’s obtained is slight enough.
  The translation of the second example is not literal but suitable to the original meaning. “厚”is in sharp contrast to “薄”, meanwhile, “加”“减”are from a delightful contrast, The interesting couplet successfully publicizes the characteristics of the products and the company image as well. The original language of the example is natural, felicitous, lively and visual; however, it has no corresponding expressions in target language. Therefore, it is advisable to use free translation instead of the literal approach; otherwise, the distorted translation will be prolix, incomprehensible and unacceptable for its readers.
  四、Flexible translation
  1. Introduction
  Flexible translation is a vivid, inge- nious device combined with literal trans- lation and free translation. This approach is beyond all doubt based on the premise of faithfulness. Flexible translation frequently involved in translation of rhetorical cons- tructs in advertising. Moreover, some figures of speech can be translated exactly and flexibly only by this approach.
  2.Application of flexible translation
  Here are some typical examples of flexible translation:世界看中国,中国有先科。(VCD广告标语)As she boasts Advanced Science, China attracts global eyes.
  甜甜蜜蜜, 无限爱恋尽在其中。With boundless love in it, the drink is more than sweets.
  In this lyric slogan, the drink is personalized; sweet drink is compared to sweet love, this figure of speech makes an impact on readers’ hearts. The rhymed, affecting translation gives customers much more imagination.
  “Though, excellent advertisements are based on the good quality of products, the success of advertising cannot run counter to the continuous practice on language.” (Wu Xiping, 1997:26). On the basis of the above discussion, we know that rhetoric is an art of language. As Professor LuJun (2001:102-103) once remarked, “The form itself conveys its significance, the achievement of artful artifice mainly based on the form.” The art of advertising is a combination of masterly diction, flexible application of rhetoric. In order to reproduce the original form and style, the translator should make a thorough investigation on the content and form of advertising message and the products, then, choose appropriate approach and select proper words and structures in target language to faithfully express the original meaning, especially to do one’s utmost to maintain the original rhetorical forms.
  All the three approaches of advertising translation we mentioned are interrelated, each complements the other. For one rhetorical device, there is no doubt that different translators may have their own understanding and different ways of translation. It is advisable that the application of these translating approaches should abide by the principles of advertising translation, i.e. “faithfulness, conciseness, vividness”.
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