大家好,我是一台电视机。说到体育运动,我可是在行得很。如今,科技发达了,无论是牛气冲天的 NBA 冠军总决赛,还是让全球无数人为之痴狂的世界杯,从那外国人弄不懂为何冠军总被中国队掌握的世乒赛,到金牌一次次飞入中国队囊中的“尤伯杯”,我都能准确收到,准时发布。就拿中国足球来说吧。每当中国足球队冲击世界杯铩羽而归后,我总是不无遗憾地传达着主持人恒久不变的那句辛酸的话:
Hi everyone, I’m a TV. When it comes to sports, I am doing very well. Nowadays, the technology is advanced. Whether it is the bully NBA championship finals or the World Cup that has countless people around the world, foreigners can’t understand why the champions are always mastered by the Chinese team. In the “Uber Cup,” which was in the Chinese team’s pocket, I could receive it accurately and release it on time. Take Chinese football for example. Whenever the Chinese football team is attacked by the World Cup and returned, I always regrettably conveyed the sad words of the host: