
来源 :新语文学习(小学中年级版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongwujunye
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今天是放假以来难得的好天气,太阳打盹躲起来了,很舒服呢!这么好的天气到哪里玩呢?对,和哥哥一家到中山陵捉鱼去! Today is a rare good weather since the holiday, the sun snoozes hide, very comfortable! So good weather where to play it? Yes, and my brother went to Sun Yat-sen catching fish!
We investigate the sensitivity of phase estimation in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with photon-subtracted two-mode squeezed vacuum states.Our results show that
It is widely accepted that helium (He) bubbles can prevent dislocations from moving and causing hardening and embrittlement of the material.However,He can affec
Treating the cosmological constant as a dynamical variable, we investigate the thermodynamics and weak cosmic cen-sorship conjecture (WCCC) of a charged AdS bla
设δ(S_α)为集中作用在S_α={||×||=α|α>0,x∈R~p}上的δ函数,其定义为: [δ(S_α),φ(x)]=∫_(S_α)φ(x)ds.函数(r-α)~(-m)(m=1,2,…)在R~P中非连续点的集合为S_α。
番茄可溶性固形物(Brix,或Total soluble solids content简称TSS)对番茄品质有着重要的影响,其含量的高低直接影响番茄的甜度、酸度和风味;对于加工番茄,可溶性固形物含量每
从前有个秀才,既爱贪小便宜,又很迷信。一天,他想到朋友家去混吃混喝,临出门前,在桌子上写了个“吉”字,以祈求这次出门能顺利吃到白食。 Once upon a time, there was a sc
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Fluctuation phenomena commonly exist in arc plasmas,limiting the application of this technology.In this paper,we report an investigation of fluctuations of arc