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当前,我国经济处在转型之中,企业的内外部环境也正在经历着一场重大变革。随着国内买方市场的形成,供给大于需求,企业需要销售;随着经济全球化向纵深发展,面对激烈的市场竞争和强大的国外对手,企业的立足更依靠销售。国企,计划经济时代的宠儿,在市场经济条件下,实现自身价值必须依赖于市场的占有与扩充。销售部门是保证企业在市场交换过程中实现利益最大化的保障部门。销售是企业的命脉,是企业持续经营的前提,是企业存在的基本保障。做好销售人员绩效考核工作,是现代企业管理的重要环节,是企业内部对销售人员管理的一个有力支撑,它对于提高企业内部销售人员的工作效率,顺利完成企业的各项销售指标,充分体现多劳多得的原则,起着重要的促进作用。企业应当运用管理学的原理和方法去思考和分析企业销售工作中面临的问题,科学高效地、全方位的激发销售人员的工作积极性,提升企业的核心竞争力,促进企业良性发展,提高企业的管理水平,实现企业的可持续发展。本文通过深入剖析目前企业销售绩效考核存在的问题,提出了在销售部门建立起了多劳多得的基本原则为核心的销售人员绩效考核激励机制,并坚持以人为本的绩效考核方式来探索销售人员绩效考核体系在企业中的应用与现实意义。 At present, the economy of our country is undergoing transformation and the internal and external environment of the enterprise is undergoing a major change. With the formation of the domestic buyer market, the supply exceeds the demand, and the enterprises need to sell. With the deepening of economic globalization and the fierce market competition and strong foreign rivals, enterprises rely more on sales. State-owned enterprises, the darling of the era of planned economy, in the market economy, to realize their own value must rely on the market’s possession and expansion. Sales department is to ensure that enterprises in the market exchange process to maximize the benefits of the security sector. Sales is the lifeblood of enterprises, is the premise of the continued operation of enterprises, is the basic guarantee for the existence of enterprises. To do a good job of sales staff performance appraisal, is an important part of modern business management, internal sales force management is a strong support for its internal sales staff to improve efficiency, the successful completion of the company’s sales targets, fully embodies The principle of more work and more, plays an important role in promoting. Enterprises should use the principles and methods of management to think and analyze the problems they face in their sales, scientifically and effectively stimulate the enthusiasm of sales staff, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, promote the healthy development of enterprises, Management level, to achieve sustainable development of enterprises. In this paper, through in-depth analysis of the existing problems in enterprise’s sales performance appraisal, this paper puts forward a mechanism of performance appraisal and incentive for salespersons, which is based on the basic principle of multi-labors and more in the sales department, and insists on the people-oriented performance appraisal method to explore salesperson’s performance Application of Assessment System in Enterprises and Its Practical Significance.
主题:我真棒!  目的:努力让自己优秀起来。  鼓励口号:某某同学,你真棒!  参与人员:包市小学三年级学生和老师  地点:湖南省湘阴县包市小学    说话不再结巴    语文课上,张媛老师问大家:“谁愿意朗读新课文?”  同学们把手举得高高的,争着回答:“老师,我!”  “刘佳昕,请你来朗读,好不好?”张老师说。  听到张老师喊刘佳昕朗读课文,同学们顿时议论纷纷。  刘佳昕涨红了脸,双手捧起课本
震后,阿坝州的民营科技企业如何在困境中求突破,本文就企业自主创新存在的问题和发展对策,从科技兴企的角度,就企业自主创新存在的问题和发展对策,进行了阐述。 After the e