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贫困地区的发展,离不开人才的支撑,这是谁都明白的道理。但如何引进人才、留住人才,让人才有更大的发展空间,这一直以来就是贫困地区最急需解决的问题之一。可以毫不夸张地说,人才问题解决不好,就会成为当地经济发展的瓶颈,从而制约其经济的发展。因此,很多地方都把人才问题上升到“战略”的高度来认识,想尽办法来发掘人才、引进人才。由此可见,“人才”在经济发展中的重要地位。最近,在都匀市召开的“上海.黔南科技合作人才交流工作座谈会”,就是黔南自治州在“引进人才”上的一种新探索和新创举。它的创新举措不仅在于与有“人才高地”之称的上海实现人才的对接,而且还从制度上保证上海的人才尤其是科技人才源源不断地输入到黔南自治州这块经济虽不发达但却有丰富资源的地方,从而带动地方经济的发展,实现双赢。 The development of poverty-stricken areas can not be separated from the support of talented people. This is the reason everyone understands. However, it has always been one of the most urgent problems to be solved in the poverty-stricken areas in terms of how to introduce and retain qualified personnel so that people have more room for development. It can be no exaggeration to say that if the talent problem is not properly solved, it will become a bottleneck in the development of the local economy and thus restrict its economic development. Therefore, in many places, the issue of talent has been raised to the height of “strategy” to find out ways to find and introduce talents. This shows that “talent” in the economic development of an important position. Recently, the “Forum on Exchanges of Talents in Shanghai and Qiannan for Scientific and Technological Cooperation” held in Duyun City is a new exploration and new initiative of Qiannan Autonomous Prefecture in “introducing talents”. Its innovative measures not only lie in its connection with Shanghai, a city known as “Talent Heights,” but also systematically ensure that a steady flow of Shanghai’s talents, especially scientific and technological personnel, into the Qiannan Autonomous Prefecture, although underdeveloped There are places rich in resources, so as to promote the development of the local economy and achieve a win-win situation.
ERP(企业资源计划)是石油行业信息化的热点话题。2002年四季度,代表石油行业下游四种业务模式的 ERP 试点项目先后在中石化下属企业中成功上线,这是在三大石油公司中大范围
In order to establish precision model, a software to calculate the strip crown of four-high hot rolling mill was developedby using affecting function method ac
创建学习型社会,是居安思危、继往开来、与时俱进的创新活动,是提纲挈领地解决社区稳定工作的一种尝试,获得了事半功倍的效果。 Creating a learning society is an innovat
由中国石油集团工程设计有限责任公司西南分公司 (以下简称西南分公司 )参加拿总设计并完成的西气东输管道工程靖边 -上海段 ,继 2 0 0 3年 10月 1日在靖边由中国石油天然气
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摘要:声乐艺术是一门感性的艺术学科,演唱者需要将自己对声乐的理解赋予其中,将单一的乐谱演唱出有灵魂的音乐。音乐能够对人们的情绪进行描述,演唱者的情绪及理解力的差异性也将导致其对音乐的理解的差异,因此,在进行声乐演唱学习中需要对情绪加以研究,进而增加歌曲的感染力。  关键词:声乐演唱;情绪;应用  一、情绪与声乐的关系  1.情绪  情绪指日常生活中人们通过感知、行为等多种因素影响造成的生理、心里的
Nieman—pick病临床上较为罕见,因特征性的眼部表现常能对本病的诊断提供有力的佐证。现将笔者收集的已经确诊的两例报告如下: 临床资料例1.张××,女,4岁,陕西西安人,住院