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作为中国西南地区的老工业基地和广西的工业重镇,柳州具有独特的产业优势与资源禀赋,工业主导产业和优势产业加工制造体系完整,生产性服务水平较高。但是柳州在工业化进程中也积累了许多问题和矛盾,柳州经济要进一步发展就必须优化经济增长方式,推动工业结构调整。现阶段总体思想是按照新型工业化的指导思想,抓住国家实施十大产业调整振兴规划的机遇,加大产业扶持引导力度,发展循环经济,发展壮大三大支柱产业,培育提升五大优势产业,加快技术创新,促进产品升级,进而带动企业升级、产业升级;以打造柳州区域性先进制造业为目标,通过产业集群的辐射和产业链的延伸,充分发挥自己的比较优势,形成核心竞争力,带动交通、流通乃至现代服务业的大发展,凸显柳州在广西工业经济中的龙头带动作用。 As an old industrial base in southwest China and an industrial center in Guangxi, Liuzhou has unique industrial advantages and resource endowments. Its industrial manufacturing and manufacturing industries are dominated by leading industries and superior industries, and its productive service is high. However, Liuzhou also accumulated many problems and contradictions in the industrialization process. To further develop the economy in Liuzhou, it is necessary to optimize the mode of economic growth and promote the readjustment of industrial structure. At this stage, the overall idea is to follow the guiding ideology of new-type industrialization and seize the opportunity of the state in implementing the ten industrial restructuring and rejuvenation plans. We will step up industrial support and guidance, develop a recycling economy, and develop and strengthen the three pillar industries. We will foster the promotion of the five advantageous industries and accelerate Technological innovation and product upgrading, which in turn will lead to the upgrading of enterprises and upgrading of industries. With the goal of building up advanced manufacturing industries in Liuzhou, the Group will give full play to its comparative advantages and promote its core competitiveness through the radiation of industrial clusters and the extension of its industrial chain Traffic, circulation and even the great development of modern service industry highlight the leading role of Liuzhou in Guangxi’s industrial economy.
目的通过比较用ROOT ZX(SM-RCM-1根管长度测定器)测量活体牙的根管工作长度和拔除该牙后直接测量该牙的实际工作长度,分析ROOTZX在多种临床条件下测量的准确度和临床因素对测