
来源 :云南农业大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:happywz521
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为了探索纳帕海高原湖泊湿地面山不同地类的水土流失规律,采用坡面径流小区观测法,对坡面不同地类的产流与产沙特性进行了研究。结果表明:天然次生林和荒草地有较好的调节径流和减少土壤侵蚀的作用,坡耕地的产流量分别是二者的3.6倍和2.7倍,产沙量分别为二者的13.8倍和6.7倍;云杉人工幼林地的产流产沙量分别比坡耕地减少42.2%和81.2%。不同地类的坡面产沙量均随径流量的增加呈线性增加,且坡耕地显著相关。人工林不宜树种单一,乔灌草结合的空间配置方式是水土保持防护林营造的目标和方向。 In order to explore the laws of soil and water loss in different wetlands in the Napahai Plateau, the characteristics of runoff and sediment production in different land types on the slope were studied using the method of slope runoff plot observation. The results showed that the natural secondary forests and the wasteland had better regulation of runoff and soil erosion, and the runoff on sloping farmland was 3.6 times and 2.7 times of that of the secondary farmland, respectively, and the sediment yield was 13.8 times and 6.7 times respectively ; The runoff and sediment yield of spruce artificial young forest land decreased by 42.2% and 81.2% respectively than that of sloping land. Slope sediment yield of different types of land increased linearly with the increase of runoff, and slope farmland was significantly related. Plantation should not be a single tree species, the combination of trees and shrubs in the space allocation of water and soil conservation shelter forest to create the goals and direction.
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