Catalytic combustion of soot over Ru-doped mixed oxides catalysts

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:henrychan168
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We employed modified substrates as outer heterogeneous catalysts to reduce the soot originating from the incomplete diesel combustion. Here, we proposed that ceria(CeO2)-based catalysts could lower the temperature at which soot combustion occurred from 610 oC to values included in the operation range of diesel exhausts(270–400 oC). Here, we used the sol-gel method to synthesize catalysts based on mixed oxides(ZnO:CeO2) deposited on cordierite substrates, and modified by ruthenium nanoparticles. The presence of ZnO in these mixed oxides produced defects associated with oxygen vacancies, improving thermal stability, redox potential, sulfur resistance, and oxygen storage. We evaluated the morphological and structural properties of the material by X-ray diffraction(XRD), Brumauer-emmett-teller method(BET), temperature programmed reduction(H2-TPR), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), and transmission electron microscopy(TEM). We investigated how the addition of Ru(0.5 wt.%) affected the catalytic activity of ZnO:CeO2 in terms of soot combustion. Thermogravimetric analysis(TG/DTA) revealed that presence of the catalyst decreased the soot combustion temperature by 250 oC, indicating that the oxygen species arose at low temperatures, which was the main reason for the high reactivity of the oxidation reactions. Comparative analysis of soot emission by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy(DRS) showed that the catalyst containing Ru on the mixed oxide-impregnated cordierite samples efficiently oxidized soot in a diesel stationary motor: soot emission decreased 80%. We employed modified substrates as outer heterogeneous catalysts to reduce the soot originating from the incomplete diesel combustion. Here, we proposed that ceria (CeO2) -based catalysts could lower the temperature at which soot combustion occurred from 610 oC to values ​​included in the operation range of the diesel exhausts (270-400 oC). Here, we used the sol-gel method to synthesize catalysts based on mixed oxides (ZnO: CeO2) deposited on cordierite substrates, and modified by ruthenium nanoparticles. The presence of ZnO in these incorporated oxides produced defects associated with oxygen vacancies, improving thermal stability, redox potential, sulfur resistance, and oxygen storage. We evaluated the morphological and structural properties of the material by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brumauer-emmett-teller method Temperature programmed reduction (H2-TPR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). We investigated how the addition of Ru (0.5 wt.%) affected the ca tolytic activity of ZnO: CeO2 in terms of soot combustion. Thermogravimetric analysis (TG / DTA) revealed that the presence of the catalyst decreased the soot combustion temperature by 250 oC, indicating that the oxygen species arose at low temperatures, which was the main reason for the high reactivity of the oxidation reactions. s comparative analysis of soot emission by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) showed that the catalyst containing Ru on the mixed oxide-impregnated cordierite samples efficiently oxidized soot in a diesel stationary motor: 80%.
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《红楼梦》中刘姥姥进大观固,贾母请她吃饭,凤姐偏拣了一碗鸽子蛋,放在刘姥姥桌上。刘姥姥正夸鸡蛋小巧,凤姐儿笑道:“一两银子一个呢,你快尝尝罢。冷了就不好吃了。”刘姥姥便伸筷子要夹,哪里夹得起来?满碗里闹了一阵,好容易撮起一个来,才伸着脖子要吃,偏又滑下来,滚在地下。忙放下筷子,要亲自去拣,早有下人拣了拿出去了。刘姥姥叹道:“一两银子,也没听见个响声儿就没了!”把一屋人逗得捧腹大笑。  现实生活中,
从一名普通的电器销售员,到年营销收入上千亿元的“格力王国”女掌门,董明珠雷厉风行、实干兴业的“铁娘子”风范,令人心生敬佩。更为难得的是,已经62岁的她,仍然保持着苗条的身材、饱满的精神,看上去比实际年龄小很多。在繁忙的工作之外,这位“格力女王”也有着自己独特的养生经。  朋友的早逝令她警醒  董明珠是南京人,1954年出生在一个普通工人家庭,从安徽芜湖干部教育学院统计学专业毕业后,她在南京一家化工