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量近,中纪委通过制订规章、调整机构、整合职能等方式,接连推出了一系列比较重大的制度措施,以期加大预防和反对腐败的力度。《中国共产党党内监督条例》草稿已出,目前正在各地各部门征求意见,并可望于年内正式公布实施。改革的方向是:中纪委对各部委的派驻机构实行统一管理、直接领导。各部委的纪检组长、监察局长将不再从所在部门产生,而由中纪委直接委派;各试点单位也不再受同级党组领导,而受中纪委直接领导。 据悉,今年8月初,中纪委已经宣布 In recent years, the Central Discipline Inspection Commission has successively introduced a series of relatively significant institutional measures by formulating regulations, adjusting institutions and integrating functions, with a view to stepping up efforts to prevent and oppose corruption. The draft of the “Regulations on Supervision over the Communist Party of China” has now been published. Opinions are being solicited from all localities and departments and is expected to be officially announced and implemented during the year. The direction of the reform is that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection exercises unified management over the agencies stationed in various ministries and commissions and directly leads. Discipline inspection leaders of all ministries and commissions will no longer be produced from their respective departments, but directly delegated by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection; the pilot units are no longer subject to the leadership of the same party, but the direct leadership of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. It is reported that in early August this year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has announced
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