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为落实党中央关于改造、振兴东北老工业基地的战略部署,充分发挥吉林省科学仪器行业优势在振兴东北老工业基地总体战略中提升行业国际竞争力、培养四类人才和拉动区域经济中的作用,中国分析测试协会、中国分析仪器学会、吉林省科技厅和吉林大学决定联合发起在长春市举办“振兴东北科学仪器基地高层专家研讨会”。会议于2003年9月21 ̄22日在吉林大学东荣会议中心举行,有9位中国科学院和中国工程院院士及近70名科学仪器各领域高层专家以及国家相关部门领导出席。会上陆婉珍院士、方肇伦院士、汪尔康院士、王大珩院士(长春理工大学姜会林校长代表)做了专题报告,各位院士和许多专家都就如何结合东北的人才和区域环境优势,加快形成东北科学仪器基地的产业集群特色、东北科学仪器的发展方向、近期目标和任务、东北科学仪器基地的发展机制和发展模式、如何创造更适应科学仪器发展的环境和条件以及需要采取的更切实可行的措施等问题进行广泛而深入的研讨,并形成了许多共识,最后提出了两项重要而内容广泛的建议。现将大会的有关发言及建仪摘登於后,以飨读者。 In order to implement the strategic plan of the Party Central Committee on reforming and rejuvenating northeast old industrial bases, give full play to the advantage of scientific instruments in Jilin Province, enhance the international competitiveness of the industry, foster four types of talents and boost the role of regional economy in rejuvenating the northeast old industrial base , China Association for Analysis and Testing, China Society for Analytical Instruments, Jilin Science and Technology Department and Jilin University decided to jointly sponsor the “Revitalization Northeast China Scientific Instrument Base High-level Experts Seminar” in Changchun. The meeting was held at Dongrong Convention Center, Jilin University from September 21 to September 22, 2003. Nine academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Engineering and nearly 70 top scientific experts from various fields as well as leaders of relevant state departments attended the conference. At the meeting, academicians Lu Wanzhen, Fang Fanglun, Academician Wang Erkang and Academician Wang Daheng (representatives of President Jiang Huilin from Changchun University of Science and Technology) delivered speeches. All the academicians and many experts made quick speeches on how to combine northeast talents and regional environmental advantages to speed up the formation of the northeast scientific instrument base The characteristics of industrial clusters, the development direction of Northeast scientific instruments, the immediate goals and tasks, the development mechanism and development mode of Northeast scientific instrument bases, how to create more suitable environment and conditions for the development of scientific instruments and more practical measures to be taken Extensive and in-depth discussions, and formed a lot of consensus. Finally, two important and comprehensive proposals were made. Now that the relevant speeches and suggestions of the General Assembly have been compiled, readers are welcome.
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16S rRNA 序列测定是细菌分类学的基本方法之一,其序列差异是确定细菌属间及属上系统发育关系的主要标准。本文根据国际系统细菌学委员会根瘤菌分委员会的建议,采用聚合酶链