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我省在司法改革运动中一般均进行了检查监狱工作,取得了一定成绩。凡查监彻底的单位,均检查出不少错捕、错判与量刑不当的案件和狱管人员敌我不分、虐待犯人等违法乱纪行为,并进一步平反了冤狱,改善了狱政管理,从而保持了法律的严肃性,巩固了监狱秩序,并教育了干部。但有些地区由于对检查监狱的意义认识不足,迄今尚有少数单位未进行查监工作,有的虽已进行,但不彻底,致错捕、错判冤案及狱管人员中存在的违法乱纪行为尚未彻底暴露和纠正。必须认识:查监工作对人民民主专政的巩固、人民政府和广大人民的联系及国家建设事业均有直接影响。因而忽视查监工作,是极其错误的。特别是我省各级人民代表大会的选举工作将要开始,对于人民的政治权利特别是选举权和被选举权不得有任何丝毫侵犯,这是在中央人民政府选举法第九章中已经明确规定了的,如果不迅速处理错捕、错判的冤案,因此而阻碍了选民自由行使其选举权和被选举权,将要受到法律制裁。因此迅速彻底检查监狱、肃清冤狱、改善狱政是当前刻不容缓的工作。为此,特作如下指示: Our province has generally carried out inspections of prisons in the judicial reform movement and achieved some success. Where a thorough investigation of the units, have detected a lot of wrong arrests, miscarriage of justice and improper sentencing cases and prisoners regardless of the enemy and abuse, maltreatment of prisoners and other illegal activities, and further vindictive justice, improved prison administration, Thus maintaining the seriousness of the law, consolidating prison order and educating cadres. However, in some areas, due to lack of understanding of the significance of the inspection of prisons, so far a few units have failed to carry out any supervision and inspection. Some of them have carried out, but not thorough, they have miscarried and misjudged the cases of injustice and the irregularities in prison personnel Behavior has not yet been thoroughly exposed and corrected. It must be recognized that the supervision and inspection work has a direct impact on the consolidation of the people’s democratic dictatorship, on the links between the people’s government and the broad masses of people and on the cause of state construction. Therefore, it is extremely wrong to overlook the work of checking and supervising. In particular, the election of people’s congresses at all levels in our province will begin. The political rights of the people, especially the right to vote and the right to be elected, must not be at any level violated. This is clearly stipulated in Chapter IX of the Electoral Law of the Central People’s Government. Failure to promptly deal with the wrongful miscarriage of justice that wrongly miscarried will hinder the free exercise of their right to vote and to stand for election by voters and will be subject to legal sanctions. Therefore, a prompt and thorough inspection of prisons, the removal of unjust impunity and the improvement of prison administration are the immediate tasks at present. To this end, special make the following instructions:
密树横枝织绿帷,满山空翠湿人衣。来观破壁雪龙飞。  舂石冲崖三亿载,磨成玉釜貯琉璃。谁能到此悟天机。
设若中国要走向小康社会,一个标志便是对法律服务的消费大幅增长? Given that China needs to move toward a well-off society, one sign is that the consumption of lega
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凤凰旋舞龙珠阁,梦中来去千回。柔情许是醉春时。风声轻问耳,丝柳应相知。  等闲莫耐花飞去,香泥筑骨生肌。天姿照水映霞霓。一心人可在,駕着彩云归。
根据最高人民法院5年纲要的改革精神,北京市第一中级人民法院率先进行法院机构深层次的改革,经过近5个月的尝试后,该院第一批程序法官的程序职能日前正式启动。 According