Transient Response of the Starting Rotor System with the Fault of Pedestal Looseness

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangwei0541
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The dynamic model of a pedestal looseness rotor system is built and the dynamics of the system near the resonance region is analyzed using the KBM method. Then the asymptotic method to study a dynamic system with slow-changing parameters is used to study the starting and braking course of the system. Finally, the analytical results are proved by experiment. The results can be used in the inspecting and fault diagnosis of a rotor system of this type. The dynamic model of a pedestal looseness rotor system is built and the dynamics of the system near the resonance region is analyzed using the KBM method. Then the asymptotic method to study a dynamic system with slow-changing parameters is used to study the starting and braking Finally, the analytical results are proved by experiment. The results can be used in the inspecting and fault diagnosis of a rotor system of this type.
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