强化感受 情动辞发——特级教师于永正《考试》教学启示

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至简无痕,如沐春风——同其他的众多课例一样,于永正老师的这一节作文课《考试》再一次带给我们如许的感受。作文教学一直是中小学语文教学的一大瓶颈,尽管很多人做了或正在做着不懈的努力,但成效似乎并不很显著,学 To Jane no trace, such as Mu Chunfeng - Like many other lessons, Yu Yongzheng this section of the composition class “exam” once again bring us feelings. Composition teaching has always been a major bottleneck in the teaching of Chinese at primary and secondary schools. Although many people have done or are making unremitting efforts, the results do not seem to be significant.
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