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  Abstract:The rapid development of the Internet industry leads to the Internet Finance`s emergence.
  As a combination of traditional financial industry and the Internet, Internet Finance (IF) encloses: settlement services and payment, lending (microcredit, supply chain financing, peer-to-peer (P2P) lending), and sales of investment products (e.g., funds, insurance). Additionally, data gathered by E-commerce companies are being handled to assess the customer`s credit.
  This article intends to present an overview of the IF`s main features, as well as to explore its effects on the conventional transactions of commercial banking industry. Moreover, measures and suggestions for the banks and regulator institutions to deal with the IF would be proposed.
  Key words: The Internet Finance (IF), Commercial Banks, Cooperation.
  【中图分类号】 TP393.4
  Internet technology holds the potential to fundamentally change banks and the banking industry. An extreme view speculates that the Internet will destroy old models of how bank services are developed and delivered.
  In recent years, the Internet industry experienced a huge evolution and expanding to the financial sector. More explicitly, internet based technologies, such as mobile payments, social networks, search engines and cloud computation, will induce to a paradigm switch in financial area. For example, Yu Ebao, a money-market fund promoted by Alipay, has made its breakthrough of 400 billion RMB (65 billion dollars), which led the IF to be both a new research interest and a popularly-discussed issue.
  1. The IF features
  1.1 Low cost
  The IF can help capital supply and demand parts to finish information verification, matching, pricing and settlement through the online platforms. So they can get rid of traditional intermediaries, transaction costs and monopoly profits. On one hand, financial agencies can save cost of establishing and running their business branches. On the other hand, the IF reduces information asymmetry. So clients are able to find efficiently their ideal financial products, which was once a time and energy consuming process.
  1.2 High Efficiency
  Major IF businesses are processed by highly standardized computer procedures. Therefore, clients don`t need to wait and can have a better user experience. Taking Alipay’s microfinance as an example, it has built up the e-commerce clients’ credit database, based on which they built risk analysis and credit investigation models through data mining and analysis. It takes clients only a few seconds from application till getting the loans. Simply because it can process about 10,000 deals per day, which makes it a real “loan factory”.
  1.3 High Risks
  Firstly, China’s social credit system and related legislations are still to complete. Hence, the violation costs are relatively low, which is prone to intrigue problems such as malicious loan fraud and absconding with money. Secondly China’s cyber security is still a prominent issue, so is the online financial crime. Once hackers attack happens, the functioning of the IF will be hindered and the security of clients’ money and personal information will be jeopardized.
  2. The influence of the IF on Commercial Banks
  2.1 Reduction of Commercial Banks’ Revenue
  The IF`s swift growth has offered investors an alternative investment, especially for Yu Ebao which was launched in June 2013. The annualized return of the latter has reached 6%, 10 times higher than the rate of demand deposit interest rate. This contrast is surely a huge temptation to those who hold large amounts of currency. In consequence, banks` clients are distracted and demand deposits are reduced. Hence, online funds are obviously harming the commercial banks because they are sucking away money. As proof, In January, banking deposits dropped by one trillion RMB.
  2.2 Direct impacts on Commercial Banks` intermediary services
  Nowadays, intermediary services of commercial banks have been the third major business besides deposit and loan, and a key access to profit. Intermediary services are derived from the payment function of banks. Their main advantages are widely spread branches and high credit. However, they are gradually being replaced by the IF. The online third-party payment constitutes a huge threat to the increase in revenue from the commercial banks.
  Apart from the negative influences, the IF also replenishes the commercial banks.
  2.3 Reducing Transaction Costs
  The optimization of resource allocation is accomplished in commercial banks with high transaction costs. However, this last operates this virtually. For example, in order to make money transfer, what they need is just some networks and less staff, rather than real workplaces and tedious procedures. Thus, the emergence of the IF has lowered the transaction costs.
  2.4 Diminishing Information Asymmetry
  Another important advantage of commercial banks is that they can provide solutions to the information asymmetry in financing. But the IF is able to achieve that goal too. For one thing, two parties can exchange capital without intermediaries, which diminishes attrition in information transfer. For another, sellers and buyers are allowed to have all kinds of information retrieved, analyzed and sorted through search engines and they can filter out the information that they need. Mutual understanding could be enhanced in this way.
  3. Suggestions and solutions for Commercial Banks
  3.1. Intensifying cooperation with Internet Technology Enterprises
  The Internet Financing casts heavy impact on commercial banks as well as provides valuable experiences and lessons from which they may benefit. First of all, banks should invest more in information technologies, such as developing E-banking, building up E-commerce platforms, in order to extend their business range, so they can hold onto the current clients and attract more. Second, commercial banks should have more cooperation with companies of e-business and third-party payment, to expand their services in payment and settlement.Furthermore, as an increasing number of clients choose online shopping, charging transaction commission could be a channel of expanding bank businesses.
  3.2 Innovating financial products’ designing through customer centric
  The efficiency of Internet Financing has given brand new user experience and made commercial banks lose plenty of clients. So it has a vital importance for banks to value users experience and create a client-centered business pattern. At the very beginning of product design, it is necessary and essential to integrate information and profiles for all sorts of clients, and get a good master of their consuming habits and investing preferences through data analysis and factual testing. This is the key to break the limits of traditional banking departments and developing more personalized financial products. Then, under the precondition of fair risk control, they can simplify processing procedures and offer quicker and more convenient services by cancelling unnecessary segments.At last, efforts on marketing and promoting should be reinforced.
  To conclude, we can say that technology evolution has hugely taken part a major function in enhancing service delivery standards in the financial institution area. One of them is the Internet. It plays an important role in resource distribution and stimulate economic growth.
  After thorough analysis on the IF`s features, we have explored its influence on the traditional banking industry.
  Based on those influences exert by the IF on the Commercial Banks, we`ve made some suggestions on how to handle this situation. Hopefully these viewpoints could enlighten commercial banks to some extent.
  At last, we have faith that IF is able to stimulate economic growth and engender significant social benefits by increasing resource allocation efficiency, promoting financial services` availability and diminishing transaction costs. In addition to that, we also believe, it will become progressively crucial in the future. Certainly, this last may encounter many commercial, technological and regulatory challenges through its development stage. But we should never neglect or minimize its huge potentiality.
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[摘 要]凸透镜成像规律是初中物理教学的难点。本文以实验教学的引导探究的方式,引导学生在实验操作过程中,分解教学难点,使学生通过动手、观察、记录收集数据,画图例对比数据所在的区域特点,理解成像特点,收到良好的教学效果。   [关键词] 实验 数据分析成像规律  中国分类法:G633.7  《探究凸透镜成像规律》是光学教学的核心,凸透镜成像规律及其应用部分是初中光学中数量最多、难度最大的一类题目,给
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摘要 :面向全体学生,促进所有学生的全面发展,这是《新课程标准》一大本质特征。就数学教学而言,“为了一切人的数学”,已成为当今数学教学改革的主流。然而初中数学中学困生存在一定的比例,类型多,情况杂,做好他们的转化工作是初中数学教学工作的重要内容之一。笔者从事初中数学教学工作十多年,根据数学学困生的心理特征,知识缺陷及教学方法进行了分析研究,采取了一些措施,进行引导及转化工作,取得了一些成效。  关
[摘要]:在目前的英语课堂教学中,教师或多或少地使用了汉语以辅助教学。本文以中学英语课堂中教师的教学语言为调查内容,通过问卷调查、非参与性观察、访谈等方法,对连云港市某中学221名学生以及4名英语教师进行调查,调查发现:中学英语课堂教学中需要教师切合实际的使用汉语;汉语在约束纪律、组织游戏等方面的恰当使用能促进课堂教学的顺利进行。  [关键词]:中学;英语课堂教学;英语教师;汉语使用   【中图分
随着课程改革的不断深化,新课标下的课堂越来越反对传统的“填鸭式、操练式”教学方法。我校进行“传导学课堂教学模式”的研究,着力构建“有效、高效”课堂教学,注重为学生创设一种和谐的气氛和宽松的环境,让学生在课堂上合作互动、平等交流、自主探究的教学方式,促课堂教学逐步走向民主,让课堂成为学习的乐园,成为学生智慧的训练场,成为学生知识的仓库。  “传导学课堂教学模式”是一个课堂教学操作系统,具有较稳定的组