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入世后两岸经贸形势出现了重大变化。由于大陆与台湾经济政策的调整及市场的开放,两岸贸易在入世后迅速扩张。特别是今年以来,台商对大陆投资继续保持较高增长,形成了新一波台商投资热。台商投资区域布局重心发生变化,热点区域不断扩大;投资的范围也在不断扩大,层次在不断提高;台商投资大陆的投资领域和台资企业经营模式等也在不断发生变化。 台商新一波大陆投资热除了带给海峡两岸人们以关注和欣喜外,还将引起人们诸多思索:为更好地引进台资,在目前台商投资的“量”已有较大增长的基础上,今后我们吸引台资的政策还需作哪些战略性的调整,以进一步提高利用台资“质”的水平?能否将引进台资与大陆产业结构调整相结合,以促进大陆弱势产业的发展? 本期编发特别关注的几篇文章——“台商新-波大陆投资热”,“台资企业:在‘聚变’中‘升腾’”,“吸引台资应作战略性转变”,“台商西进两岸双赢”,目的在于对以上问题的探讨起抛砖引玉作用。 After joining the WTO, major changes have taken place in the economic and trade situation across the Taiwan Strait. Due to the adjustment of the economic policies of the mainland and Taiwan and the opening up of the market, the cross-Strait trade expanded rapidly after China’s accession to the WTO. In particular, since the beginning of this year, the Taiwan businessmen have maintained their high growth in mainland investment and have formed a new wave of investment fever among Taiwanese businessmen. The gravity of the regional distribution of Taiwanese investment has changed and the hot spots have been constantly expanding. The scope of investment has also been constantly expanding and the level has been continuously raised. The investment fields of Taiwanese businessmen investing in the Mainland and the mode of operation of Taiwan-funded enterprises are also constantly changing. The new wave of Taiwanese investment fever not only brings the people of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait aroused their concern and delight, but also arouses people’s thinking: In order to better introduce Taiwanese capital, the “quantity” of investment by Taiwanese businessmen has been greatly increased On the basis of the strategic adjustments that we need to make in attracting Taiwanese investment in the future so as to further enhance the utilization of the “quality” of Taiwanese-owned assets, and whether we can combine the introduction of Taiwanese funds with the readjustment of the industrial structure in the Mainland so as to promote the weak industries in the mainland In the current issue, several articles of special concern were published: “Taiwanese businesspeople - hot investment in mainland China,” “Taiwan-funded enterprises: rising in ’fusion’ ’,’ attracting Taiwanese investment as a strategic shift ’ , ”Taiwan businessmen in the west into the cross-strait win-win", the purpose is to explore the above issues from the perspectives.
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[病例405] 患儿两岁,男、初诊于1972年2月14日,在茨城办事处看病的患儿。病历:出生后不久患喘息,反复发作,有时在医院注射西药后发作停止,但带回家后又发作。这两年患儿的母
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