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作为国土面积和人口总量均列世界第五位、经济总量居全球第八、并且名列“金砖五国”之一的拉美大国巴西,其综合国力和战略潜力自然不可小觑。和中国一样,巴西工业化进程的快速推进和市场经济制度的不断完善,从很大程度上确保了国防建设具备足够的物质和技术基础。 As the fifth largest country in the world in terms of population and population, the eighth largest in the world in terms of economy and one of Latin America’s major powers named “BRIC”, Brazil, its overall national strength and strategic potential are naturally not to be underestimated . Like China, the rapid progress of industrialization in Brazil and the constant improvement of the market economy system have, to a large extent, ensured that there are sufficient material and technological bases for the building of national defense.
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1969年,美国斯坦福大学数学教授DavidK arner提出了这样一个问题:能否把一个长方形划分成奇数个全等的小块,并且这些小块不能是小长方形?当然,如果把问题改为偶数个小块,这是很容易做到的,如图1所示.对于奇數个小块的情况,问题显然就没有那么简单了.在继续阅读下去之前,你不妨先想一想,
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