Second-look endoscopy and factors associated with delayed bleeding after endoscopic submucosal disse

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kk831013
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Endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD) is a widely used procedure as curative treatment for superficial gastric neoplasms, including early gastric cancer without lymph node metastasis. However, ESD requires advanced endoscopic skill and there is a major concern regarding complications from bleeding. So far, extensive efforts have been made to develop strategies to reduce post-ESD bleeding. Use of proton pump inhibitors and coagulating exposed vessels on the ulcer floor after ESD are strategies known to reduce the risk of delayed bleeding. Second-look endoscopy(SLE) is also carried out to reduce delayed bleeding following ESD in many institutions. However, the incidence of bleeding still remains around 5%, and further measures are needed to reduce delayed bleeding after gastric ESD. Recently, three randomized studies indicated that routine SLE was unnecessary. Although routine SLE may not be recommended for all patients after gastric ESD, SLE might be an important tool for the prevention of the delayed bleeding in selected high-risk patients. Thus, the identification of the risk factors, such as large size of resected specimen and treatment with multiple antiplatelet medications, may help to further guide clinicians in deciding whether to perform SLE. Studies carried out on larger cohorts are necessary to clarify the efficacy of SLE after ESD in the prevention of post-ESD bleeding in potentially high-risk patients. Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is a widely used procedure as curative treatment for superficial gastric neoplasms, including early gastric cancer without lymph node metastasis. However, ESD requires advanced endoscopic skill and there is a major concern for complications from bleeding. Use of proton pump inhibitors and coagulating exposed vessels on the ulcer floor after ESD are strategies known to reduce the risk of delayed bleeding. Second-look endoscopy (SLE) is also carried However, the incidence of bleeding still remaining around 5%, and further measures are needed to reduce delayed bleeding after gastric ESD. SLE may be be recommended for all patients after gastric ESD, SLE might be an important tool for the prevention of the delay in selected high-risk patients. Thus, the identification of the risk factors, such as large size of resected specimen and treatment with multiple antiplatelet medications, may help to further guide clinicians in deciding whether to perform SLE. Studies carried out on larger cohorts are necessary to clarify the efficacy of SLE after ESD in the prevention of post-ESD bleeding in potentially high-risk patients.
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词语是语言的建筑材料,承载着丰富的文化信息。透过汉语词语,可以了解中国的文化状况。本文试从历史文化、人情风俗、民族性格、文化心理四方面探讨汉语词语的文化性。 Word
【摘 要】口语是英语表达能力的重要内容。受应试教育大环境的影响,我国基础教育中英语教学过多的重视学生听、读、写能力的发展,对于口语能力的培养则明显滞后,导致“哑巴英语”现象见怪不怪。本文深入地剖析了当前制约口语能力形成的因素,并提出了相应的对策,以供参考。  【关键词】初中英语 口语教学 现状 对策  口语教学是英语教学中的重要组成部分,同时口语表达能力亦是英语教育培养的主要目的之一。然而,由于我
【摘 要】情感教育是完整教育过程的一个组成部分,它关注教育过程中学生的态度、情绪、情感以及信念,以促进学生的个体发展和整个社会的健康发展。表现为教育者用心去关怀被教育者,用善良的、美好的、温暖的、正面的、积极的方式去引导学生。作为探索英语教学法中的情感教育正受到越来越广泛的关注,它充分体现了“以人为本”的教育理念。  【关键词】中学英语 情感 教学  情感既是英语教学的手段,也是英语教学的目的。它
一、理论背景  随着在线学习资源的与日俱增、云端协作学习平台的日趋完善、知识存取更加快捷,在移动学习盛行和渐趋普及的背景下,在线混合学习模式的变革促使布鲁姆教学目标分类出现了翻转的应用需求。计算机和网络技术为学生个性化学习和自主学习创造了有利条件,为学生提供了适应信息时代需要的新的学习模式。  翻转课堂是混合学习的“旋转”模式,学生在家提前获取网络课程内容,然后到学校与教师进行面对面的学习过程。“
随着社会的发展,体育逐渐被人们所认可并接受而加以落实;加上已经把体育课纳入中考必考科目,其成绩计入中考成绩,更引起人们对于初中体育课程的学习训练愈发关注、愈发重视。学生对于体育课程的学习也较之以前更加重视。在这一背景下,体育教师在体育课堂教学中要怎样发挥引导作用,上好每一节体育课,强化对学生的体育训练,不断提高学生体育水平呢?下面,笔者就这个问题,结合平时的一些教学实例,谈谈自己的一点体会。  一
本文通过对小提琴演奏中换弓、换把、换弦、换指的分别剖析阐述,找到演奏过程中经常出现的问题并加以克服,使我们的演奏更加流畅,更具艺术性。 In this paper, we analyze a
【摘 要】文化艺术专业是职中孕育的新专业。钢琴课的内容选什么,应与专业特点相统一。新课标的教育理念强调要着力培养学生的应用、实践和创新能力,因此,在教学中一定要注重基训、强调基本演奏技能与状态;创造条件让学生进行实践表演;激发学生歌曲创编、弹唱结合。  【关键词】注重基训 首调思维 改革创新  钢琴课是文化艺术专业学生必修的重要课程之一,专业技能性强。在教学中如何既体现其专业特点,又能体现综合性、
【摘 要】面对信息化的不断发展,在高中英语语法教学中采用微课教学已成了大势所趋。本文简要分析了微课的含义及运用原则,并结合实际教学案例,研究了语法微课教学在高中英语教学中的应用策略,希望能为广大英语教师提供参考,改善英语语法教学质量。  【关键词】语法 微课教学 高中英语 应用策略  微课作为一种新的教学模式,不但囊括了课程内容的重点与难点,还能为学生展示教师的讲解和教学活动设计。在高中英语语法教