REE Geochemistry of the Lead-Zinc Ores from the Jinding Lead-Zinc Deposit, Lanping, Yunnan

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XUE19880204
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Nineteen volcanic and magmatic rock samples were collected from the Jinding lead-zinc deposit and its surrounding areas in Yunnan. The ICP and AES analyses, referred to the previous results, show that the metal minerals and altered rocks in the Jinding lead-zinc deposit display a decreasing trend of ΣREE from the early to late stages of mineralization, and similarities in REE distribution patterns, indicating that the ore fluids are characterized by high LREE enrichment, markedly negative δCe anomaly and slight δEu anomaly. These REE distribution patterns exhibit striking similarities to those of the Pliocene trachyte in the study area, both of which are similar in ΣREE, LREE/HREE ratio, δEu and δCe. The ore fluids besides the basin fluids in the deposit are also closely related to those associated with Pliocene trachyte magmas. Nineteen volcanic and magmatic rock samples were collected from the Jinding lead-zinc deposit and its surrounding areas in Yunnan. The ICP and AES analyzes, referred to the previous results, show that the metal minerals and altered rocks in the Jinding lead-zinc deposit display a decreasing trend of ΣREE from the early to late stages of mineralization, and similarities in REE distribution patterns, indicating that the ore fluids are characterized by high LREE enrichment, markedly negative δCe anomaly and slight δEu anomaly. These REE distribution patterns exhibit striking similarities to those of the Pliocene trachyte in the study area, both of which are similar in ΣREE, LREE / HREE ratio, δEu and δCe. The ore fluids besides the deposit are also closely related to those associated with Pliocene trachyte magmas.
摘 要: 计算机辅助翻译语料库成为二语习得的新领域,为翻译研究及教学实践提供了指导。口译语料库指收录根据口译视频或音频资料转写而成的文字材料的语料库,其建库目的旨在研究口译策略、口译语言特征、口译规范和口译过程。口译语料库可以划分为口译平行语料库和口译可比语料库。口译平行语料库收录口译语料及其源语文本语料,这两类语料之间存在相关关系,通常应用于口译中不同语言间的对应关系,口译策略和口译语言特征等领
This paper addresses Stoicism and its impact upon Western rhetoric during the European Renaissance.My subject is historical,but it puts into high relief some me