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经过几十年的不断发展,我国中等职业技术学校的英语教学取得了一定的成就,但是,其自身仍存在着不容忽视的问题和不足。本文拟从中职学校英语课程的教学目标入手,探讨思索和探索中职英语教学有效策略的重要性和紧迫性,同时深入剖析现阶段我国中职学校英语教学中存在的问题与不足,并在此基础上进一步思考和探索实现中职学校英语教学不断优化和革新的新方法和新途径,以期不断推进我国中职学校英语课程教学水平的不断提升。 After several decades of continuous development, English teaching in secondary vocational and technical schools in our country has made some achievements. However, there are still problems and deficiencies that can not be ignored in itself. This article intends to start from the teaching objectives of English Curriculum in vocational schools to explore the importance and urgency of thinking and exploring the effective strategies of English teaching in secondary vocational schools. At the same time, the problems and shortcomings in the English teaching of Chinese vocational schools at the present stage are deeply analyzed. On this basis, we should further consider and explore new ways and new ways to realize continuous optimization and innovation of English teaching in secondary vocational schools, with a view to continuously promote the continuous improvement of English teaching level in secondary vocational schools in our country.
吸声与隔声均是噪声控制中的重要技术措施,两者有着本质的区别,但实际应用中又常有联系。不熟悉噪声控制技术的人常把两者混淆,在应用中常常摘锗,以致达不到预期效果。 原理
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