依靠科技进步 增强乡镇企业发展后劲

来源 :城市技术监督 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dahar005
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当前我国乡镇企业犹如雨后春笋般地发展,就福建乡镇企业来说,其总产值占全省工农业总产值的半壁江山。乡镇兴办企业是个好办法,它是发展国民经济新的增长点,它可以安排乡镇富余劳动力,增加农民收入,又可生产工业产品,满足人们日常生活用品的需要;同时为乡镇积累大量的资金,发展乡镇事业。但是由于生产设备简陋,工艺落后,场地窄小,使部份产品质量低劣,三废处理不善而污染空气和环境,造成公害。另一方面小规模生产经营,产品质量和生产效率都不能很好地提高,难于生产质优价廉的产品进入国际市场竞争,缺乏了发展后劲。鉴于此,笔者提出要增强乡镇企业发展后劲,必须依靠科技进步,在生产上进行技术改造,在经营上实行规模经济。练好内功;同时要创造良好的外部环境。 At present, township and village enterprises in our country are developing like mushrooms. As far as Fujian township enterprises are concerned, their total output value accounts for half of the province’s gross industrial and agricultural output value. Township enterprises are a good way to develop enterprises. They are a new growth point for the development of the national economy. They can arrange surplus township labor, increase farmers’ income, and can also produce industrial products to meet the needs of people’s daily necessities. At the same time, they accumulate large amounts of funds for townships and townships. Develop township business. However, due to the poor production facilities, backward technology, and the narrowness of the site, some of the products are of poor quality and the three wastes are not properly treated to pollute the air and the environment, causing public hazards. On the other hand, small-scale production and operation, product quality and production efficiency can not be well improved, it is difficult to produce high quality and low price products to enter the international market competition, lack of development stamina. In view of this, the author proposes that to strengthen the development potential of township and village enterprises, we must rely on scientific and technological progress, carry out technological transformation in production, and implement economies of scale in our operations. Improve internal strength; at the same time, create a good external environment.