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每当秋风萧瑟的时候,到香山去看枫叶,尽情领略“霜叶红于二月花”的秋之况味,无疑是一种美不胜收的高雅享受。然而,尽管枫叶红心似火,它毕竟抵挡不住秋天的凄风冷雨,几经风霜摧残,落叶飘尽,空留虬曲的树枝面对青山夕阳,总不免使人油然生出“落叶西风时候,人共青山瘦”的怅然情绪。香山的春天却是充满生机、热情蓬勃的。每年冰雪消融时节,我都要捷足先登,扑向大山深处,去寻觅春的讯息。樱桃沟、卧佛寺一带,是我经常留连忘返的地方。据说,这一带曾留下文学大师曹雪芹的足迹。当年,他徜徉在青山绿水之间,常常迷醉而忘返,他以深邃的目光穿透封建社会那漫长而寒冷的冬天,是多么热情地期盼着春天的光明和温暖。此刻,当樱桃沟的第一枝梅花“花吐胭脂,香欺兰蕙”时,曹老先生九泉有知,定会拂髯拈须,露出欣慰的笑容的。一个风和日丽的星期天,我又踏上了去香山樱桃沟的路途。植物园的草坪刚刚泛绿,被秋风摇落的草木种子悄无声息地拱出地层,眼巴巴地瞅着迎春花蓬勃怒放。如少女般婀娜多姿的杨柳站在河边,垂下柔媚翠绿的柳丝对着明镜般的水面梳妆,天空是那样高远而港蓝。缓缓飘动的白云或许是钟情于这片春光,缠绕在山头久久不愿离去。与严寒搏杀了一个冬天的玉兰树,终于在和暖的阳光下展开了笑颜。它使人 Whenever the autumn wind bleak, go to the Fragrant Hill to see Maple Leaf, enjoy the taste of the “red leaves in February,” the autumn flavor, is undoubtedly a kind of beautiful and elegant enjoyment. However, despite the red-hearted maple leaves, after all, it can not withstand the autumn cold wind, devastated by wind and frost, leaves floating to do, empty leave the song of the branches of the face of the setting sun, can not help but give birth to oil “ , A total of AQ thin ”sense of loss. Xiangshan spring is full of vitality, passionate. Ice melting season every year, I have to pre-empted, toward the depths of the mountains, to find the spring message. Cherry ditch, Temple of Reclining Buddha, is where I often linger. It is said that this area has left the footprints of the literary master Cao Xueqin. In the past, he wandered into the mountains and rivers, often fascinated and forgotten. He penetrated deeply and cold winter in the feudal society with his profound vision. He enthusiastically looked forward to the light and warmth of spring. At the moment, when the cherry blossom ditch the first plum “flowers spit rouge, fragrant Cymbidium ”, Mr. Cao Lao Jiuquan know, will brush whisk whisk, be pleased with the smile. A sunny Sunday, I set foot on the road to Xiangshan Cherry Valley. The botanical garden lawn just greenery, was swaying by the autumn wind grass seeds quietly arched stratum, watching the spring flowers blink of an eye. Such as girl-like graceful standing Willow stood by the river, hanging graceful green Willow dressing on the mirror-like water, the sky is so lofty and Hong Kong blue. Slowly flowing clouds may be in love with this piece of spring, winding in the mountains for a long time do not want to leave. With a cold winter fight Magnolia tree, and finally in the warm sun and started a smile. It makes people
近来读季羡林的《寿作人》,一则往事很使我感动。  当年画家吴作人和季羡林私交甚好,他们曾一起收藏国画,还在赴印度和缅甸访问时一起度过仿佛在云端的愉快日子,真挚的友谊一直充盈两人心间。吴作人88岁患了重度中风,他的夫人萧淑芳女士说,他对以前的事记得清楚,对眼前的事过目皆忘。一天,江苏文艺出版社的张晶华应约到他家为他拍照。拍完后,因出版需要,张晶华请吴作人签名。他把签名册送到吴作人手中,一页一页翻过,
以斑鳢(Channa maculata)、乌鳢(C.argus)及其正交杂种斑乌鳢(斑鳢♀×乌鳢♂)和反交杂种乌斑鳢(乌鳢♀×斑鳢♂)的红细胞为材料,以鸡(Gallus gallus)血细胞为DNA标准(2.5 pg
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