Hot deformation behavior of EA4T steel

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sbt200905
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The compressive deformation behavior of EA4T steel was investigated at temperatures ranging from 950 to 1150 C and strain rates from 0.1 to 20 s 1 on Gleeble-1500 thermo-simulation machine. The work hardening rate versus stress curves were used to determine the characteristic points of flow curves. The application of constitutive equations to determine the hot working constants of this material was discussed. Furthermore, the effect of Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z) on the characteristic points of flow curves was studied using the power law relation. The deformation activation energy of this steel was determined as 309.5 kJ/mol. Some behaviors were compared to other steels. The compressive deformation behavior of EA4T steel was investigated at temperatures ranging from 950 to 1150 C and strain rates from 0.1 to 20 s 1 on Gleeble-1500 thermo-simulation machine. The work hardening rate versus stress curves were used to determine the characteristic points of The application of constitutive equations to determine the hot working constants of this material was discussed. Furthermore, the effect of Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z) on the characteristic points of flow curves was studied using the power law relation. The deformation activation energy of this steel was determined as 309.5 kJ / mol. Some behaviors were compared to other steels.
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