
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kikat
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目的了解本地区国家规划结核病防治项目的疾病分布和实验室诊断情况。方法选取2013年1月-2013年11月在某院结核门诊及住院部就诊的国家规划结核病防治项目的病人960人次,观察所有病人的疾病分布情况,并对各项实验室检测指标进行分析,提出相关研究结果。结果在收集的960例病人中,其中男性739例,占76.98%,女性221例,占23.02%,男女患病率比较,其差异有统计学意义,P<0.05;年龄分布情况,0~20岁28例,21~30岁132例,31~40岁141例,41~50岁168例,51~60岁191例,61~70岁189例,71岁以上139例。从年龄分布看,40岁以下发病率较低,发病例数为273例,占28.44%,40岁以上发病率较高,发病例数687例,占71.56%,2个年龄段比较,差异有统计学意义,P<0.05;在疾病分布方面,单纯结核病感染731例,占76.14%,结核病合并HIV感染的21例,占2.19%,合并真菌感染196例,占20.42%,结核病合并HIV及真菌感染12例,占1.25%。实验室检测中,有87例肝功能相关指标异常,占9.06%,有192例血常规相关指标异常,占20.00%,合并感染患者的肝功能、血常规相关指标异常指数较单纯感染的高,比较结果差异均有统计学意义,P<0.05。结论本地区国家规划结核病防治项目病人发病主要以高年龄为主;合并感染患者仍占较高的比例,且其肝功能、血常规相关指标异常指数较单纯感染高,提示临床防治工作应合理检查,综合分析,从而更好地研究治疗方案,以达到最佳的治疗效果。 Objectives To understand the disease distribution and laboratory diagnosis of TB programs in the region. Methods From January 2013 to November 2013, a total of 960 patients were enrolled in the TB program of tuberculosis outpatient and inpatient department in a hospital from January 2013 to November 2013. The distribution of the disease in all patients was observed and the laboratory test indexes were analyzed. Put forward the related research results. Results Among the 960 patients collected, 739 were male, accounting for 76.98% and 221 were female, accounting for 23.02%. There was significant difference between male and female prevalence, P <0.05; age distribution, 0-20 There were 28 cases in age group, 132 cases in 21-30 years old, 141 cases in 31-40 years old, 168 cases in 41-50 years old, 191 cases in 51-60 years, 189 cases in 61-70 years and 139 cases in 71 years old. In terms of age distribution, the incidence was relatively low under the age of 40, with a reported incidence of 273 cases (28.44%) and a high incidence over the age of 40 with a incidence of 687 cases (71.56%). There were significant differences between the two age groups Statistical significance, P <0.05; in the distribution of disease, simple tuberculosis infection in 731 cases, accounting for 76.14%, tuberculosis with HIV infection in 21 cases, accounting for 2.19%, 196 cases of fungal infection, accounting for 20.42%, tuberculosis combined with HIV and fungi Infection in 12 cases, accounting for 1.25%. In the laboratory test, there were 87 abnormal indexes of liver function, accounting for 9.06%. There were 192 cases with abnormal blood-related indicators, accounting for 20.00%. The liver function and blood-related abnormal index of patients with complicated infection were higher than that of simple infection, The differences were statistically significant, P <0.05. Conclusions The incidence of tuberculosis patients in national TB program in this area is mainly high age. The patients with combined infection still account for a high proportion, and the indexes of abnormal liver function and blood related index are higher than those of simple infection, suggesting that the clinical prevention and treatment should be properly checked , Comprehensive analysis, so as to better study the treatment plan, in order to achieve the best therapeutic effect.
目的了解不同浓度的消毒粉在不同时间对人型结核杆菌的杀灭效果。方法用有效氯含量分别为50、100、200、500、1 000、2 000、5 000、10 000 mg/L的消毒粉,作用于人型结核杆菌
本文介绍了TM—3000A1太阳模拟器的结构和原理,分析和计算了它的技术指标,给出了实际结果并与日本牛尾机电公司生产的同类型太阳模拟器做了比较。 This paper introduces th
堪培拉国立大学和墨尔本药学院的研究人员声称,他们鉴定了感冒病毒各株共有的一种表面蛋白。此项发现有利于新疫苗的研制.新疫苗可抵抗多种不同病毒引起的感冒。 Researche