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各自治州、市人民政府,各地区行署,各县(自治县、市、市辖区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 按照《中华人民共和国兵役法》(以下简称《兵役法》)的有关规定,为搞好全省现役军人家属的优待和退伍军人的安置,支持军队建设,促进经济发展和社会稳定,特作如下通知: 一、优抚安置工作是关系国家经济建设、国防建设和社会稳定的大事。各级人民政府、各部门、各单位要从讲政治的高度充分认识做好优抚安置工作的重要性,切实把落实优抚安置政策作为贯彻落实《兵役法》的重要组成部分,广泛动员全社会力量,建立和完善督办机制,确保圆满完成优抚安置任务。 All autonomous prefectures and municipal people's governments, regional administrative offices, people's governments of all counties (autonomous counties, cities, municipal districts and special economic zones) and departments and agencies under provincial governments directly under the Central Government shall, in accordance with the “Military Service Law of the People's Republic of China” (hereinafter referred to as the “Military Service Law”) Relevant provisions, in order to do a good job of the families of active servicemen in the province and the placement of veterans, support for army building, and promote economic development and social stability, special notice as follows: First, the special care and placement is related to national economic construction, national defense construction and social Stable event. The people's governments at all levels, all departments and units should fully understand the importance of doing well the work of special care and placement from the perspective of politics, conscientiously regard the implementation of the policy of special care and placement as an important part of implementing the “Military Service Law”, mobilize all social forces, Establish and improve the supervisory mechanism to ensure the successful fulfillment of the special care and placement task.
驻扎在祖国西南边陲的广西边防某部的官兵们,20年如一日,硬是在荒山上建起了环境优美的“绿色营盘”,令人神往…… Over the past 20 years, officers and soldiers station
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巴尔干,这个被称作“欧洲火药桶”的地方历来是欧洲安全的“晴雨表”。它曾是引发第一次世界大战、也是第二次世界大战欧洲战场最晚结束战争的地区。随 The Balkans, known