Detection of YMDD mutation using mutant-specific primers in chronic hepatitis B patients before and

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lianxingjiehaha
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AIM: To develop a PCR assay using mutant-specific primers to detect mutation of tyrosine-methionine-aspartate-aspartate (YMDD) motif of HBV to tyrosine-valine-aspartate-aspartate (YVDD) or tyrosine-isoleucine-aspartate-aspartate (YIDD).METHODS: Cloned wild-type and mutant HBV sequences were used as templates to test the sensitivity and specificity of the assay. A variety of primer construction, primer concentration, dNTP concentration, and annealing temperature of primers were systematically examined. Pair primers specifi c to rtL180M and rtM204V were selected for YVDD detection. Primer specif ic to rtM204I with an additional 3’-penultimate base mismatched to both the mutant and wild-type sequence was selected for YIDD detection. We applied this assay to study YMDD mutants in 28 chronic hepatitis B patients before and after lamivudine treatment.RESULTS: We could detect as little as 0.001%-0.00001% of mutant viruses coexisting in 108-109 copies of wild-type HBV using this assay. YMDD mutants were detected in 8 of 12 HBeAg-positive patients and 8 of 16 HBeAg-negative patients before lamivudine treatment. After treatment, two more patients in HBeAg-positive patients and seven more patients in HBeAg-negative patients developed YMDD mutations. CONCLUSION: We developed a highly sensitive and specifi c assay for detecting YMDD mutants. This assay can be applied to monitor chronic hepatitis B patients before and during lamivudine treatment. AIM: To develop a PCR assay using mutant-specific primers to detect mutation of tyrosine-methionine-aspartate-aspartate (YMDD) motif of HBV to tyrosine-valine-aspartate-aspartate (YVDD) or tyrosine-isoleucine-aspartate-aspartate (YIDD ) .METHODS: Cloned wild-type and mutant HBV sequences were used as templates to test the sensitivity and specificity of the assay. A variety of primer construction, primer concentration, dNTP concentration, and annealing temperature of primers were systematically examined. c to rtL180M and rtM204V were selected for YVDD detection. Primer specif ic to rtM204I with an additional 3’-penultimate base mismatched to both the mutant and wild-type sequence was selected for YIDD detection. We applied this assay to study YMDD mutants in 28 chronic hepatitis B patients before and after lamivudine treatment .RESULTS: We could detect as little as 0.001% -0.00001% of mutant viruses coexisting in 108-109 copies of wild-type HBV using this assay. YMDD mutants were detected in 8 of 12 HBeAg-positive patients and 8 of 16 HBeAg-negative patients before lamivudine treatment. After treatment, two more patients in HBeAg-positive patients and seven more patients in HBeAg-negative patients developed YMDD mutations. CONCLUSION: We developed a highly sensitive and specifi c assay for detecting YMDD mutants. This assay can be applied to monitor chronic hepatitis B patients before and during lamivudine treatment.
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