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中职学校的素质教育不断地被推进,怎样培养学生的创新意识,造就创新型人才,是当前素质教育的重点就是创新,新课标的指引下,中职学校也给了创新一个更新的定义。随着教学过程的不断推进,各个科目的教学模式也不应当一成不变,要将传统的教学模式进行探索和改变,将培养学生的创新意识作为教学的种种之章。随着我国对中职教学的不断推进,中职教育也受到越来越多的关注,中职美术教学更是不可或缺的一部分。美术是一门集艺术于一身的学科,对发展学生的智力,开发学生的创新意识有着十分重要的作用,让学生学好美术不仅能够升华学生的情感,还能激发学生的创造意识。本文就将针对目前中职美术中存在问题,对如何培养学生的创新意识做出了以下探究。 The quality education in secondary vocational schools is constantly being promoted. How to cultivate students' innovative awareness and create innovative talents is that the current emphasis of quality education is innovation and under the guidance of the new curriculum standards. Secondary vocational schools also give a new definition of innovation. With the continuous advancement of the teaching process, the teaching modes of all subjects should not be static, and the traditional teaching mode should be explored and changed. The cultivation of students' innovative awareness should be regarded as the chapter of teaching. With the continuous promotion of secondary vocational education in our country, secondary vocational education is also receiving more and more attention. Secondary vocational teaching of art is an indispensable part. Art is a subject that integrates art. It plays a very important role in developing students 'intelligence and developing students' innovative awareness. It enables students to learn art not only to sublimate students 'emotions, but also to stimulate students' creative awareness. This article will address the current problems in vocational art, how to cultivate students' innovative awareness made the following inquiry.
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